Causes of Irregular Menstrual Cycles: Natural and Unnatural

2023-12-25 15:44:02

Most women have a regular menstrual cycle, which does not negate the fact that some of them suffer from health and psychological reasons that make them have an irregular cycle, which means that it is later or earlier than its normal time, so the time difference between each menstrual cycle and the next is less or more than the difference. The normal period is up to 28 days. There are natural causes that lead to this disorder that do not require concern. On the other hand, there are unnatural causes that require treatment. We will provide you with the details of the case below.

Why does my menstrual cycle go ahead of schedule?

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Usually, the period between each menstrual cycle and the next extends from 21 to 39 days, and this is the safe period in which the cycle is normal and does not cause concern, especially if the menstrual period itself is also normal, ranging from 2 to 7 days, and any imbalance in these periods is due to… For any of the following reasons:

1- Some health conditions

We begin our conversation with the common reasons that lead to menstruation occurring before its due date, and they come as follows:

  • Having diabetes is accompanied by a lack of control over the blood sugar level, which makes the menstrual cycle irregular on time.
  • Taking birth control pills disrupts hormones, which affects the menstrual cycle.
  • Weight disorders, whether sudden thinness or excessive obesity, result from hormonal disorders that affect the timing of the period.
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome is common among girls for various reasons, and one of its most prominent symptoms is menstrual irregularity, either noticeably delayed or early.
  • Taking blood-thinning medications.
  • The woman is on the verge of entering menopause, where the menstrual cycle is disturbed until it stops completely upon reaching menopause, and one of the forms of this disorder is that it comes before its natural date.

2- Changes in daily routine

Perhaps most women do not know that any change that occurs in their daily routine could have a close relationship with hormones, thus affecting the occurrence of their period before its due date. The most important of these changes are as follows:

  • Travel and changes in sleep hours.
  • Changes in the level of the hormone melatonin.
  • Change between morning and evening shift.

3- Take birth control pills

One of the most prominent causes of early menstruation is taking birth control pills for any reason, as they greatly affect hormones, ovulation, and menstruation. They are essentially hormonal pills, which lead to the following symptoms:

  • Nausea and headache.
  • Swellings in the breasts.
  • Abdominal cramps.
  • Delayed or advanced period.

4- High levels of stress

A woman’s mental health has a great impact on her physical and sexual health, as well as a significant impact on the hormones in the body. Among the effects of excessive stress, excessive anxiety, or exposure to major events in life is the occurrence of menstruation before its due date or its being late, and the effects of stress also include difficulty concentrating and problems. Sleep, weight disorders, etc.

5- Violent sports

Ideal levels of exercise are considered an important factor in maintaining hormonal balance and body health, while if the exercise is somewhat violent, it leads to some disorders, including premature menstruation, and sometimes even leads to its complete cessation.

Exercise affects the menstrual cycle by significantly enhancing the burning of calories, which affects the woman’s body’s ability to produce the hormones responsible for ovulation, which causes a noticeable disturbance in it.

6- Puberty

It goes without saying that a girl’s first menstrual cycle, or let’s say her first menstrual period, is the most disturbed, as it is like preparing the body for that severe hormonal change, which makes the menstrual cycle during the first two years of puberty disturbed, that is, it comes earlier or later than scheduled. Especially there are other changes that include mood swings, hair growth in some areas of the body, enlarged breasts, etc.

Is menstruation before its due date a worry?

After examining the reasons that lead to menstruation occurring before its due date, it was found that among them are natural causes that are not worrisome, and other reasons that require consulting a doctor, especially if there are other noticeable symptoms, including feeling severe pain or discomfort. For example, you should look at the following:

  • If you practice violent sports, you should reduce it somewhat and limit yourself to light sports such as walking and the like, and you will notice the difference within a specific period, whether your menstrual cycle is regular or not.
  • If you are new to menstruation and puberty, do not worry and let things go at their natural pace.
  • Reduce excessive levels of stress and anxiety.
  • You should improve your daily routine, as balance is important to maintain a regular menstrual cycle.
  • Not to mention resorting to medical examinations, to find out if you suffer from any health condition that affects your menstrual cycle, and then begin treating it.

Track your menstrual cycle

One of the most important methods that you should follow if you are about to get your period before its due date is to keep track of your menstrual cycle, focusing on the start and end dates and how long it lasts each month, not to mention how heavy the bleeding is, the number of times you change sanitary pads, the extent of your bleeding between periods, and any Among other changes: when you track your cycle, you will know the reason behind any disturbance in it and then begin appropriate treatment.

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