Cellulite due to water retention: my attack regime

2024-03-22 11:11:41

Cellulite spares no one and in particular cellulite due to water retention! Also called aqueous cellulite, this dimpling affects even the thinnest people because it is linked to water retention due to poor venous and lymphatic circulation. We will guide you on the strategy to adopt to overcome it!

What is cellulite with water retention?

Cellulite – or superficial lipodystrophy – corresponds to a accumulation of fat cells, the adipocytes, under the skin and, in particular, at the level of the thighs, buttocks, stomach, arms… More precisely, the adipocytes will swell and compress the blood and lymphatic vessels thus hindering the good circulation of the blood as well as the ‘Normal’ elimination of waste from the body. The toxins and liquids will then be stored under the skin and give it this irregular appearance. Orange peel. Regarding the watery cellulite, the accumulation of fat under the skin is due to water retention by the body. And this phenomenon, which prevents the body’s water from circulating properly and which stores it in excess between the cells, can have several causes such as:

food intolerance, failure to eliminate certain chemical proteins (or salt), hormonal imbalance, poor venous or lymphatic circulation, in most cases.

The particularity of aqueous cellulite – compared to adipose or fibrous cellulite – is due in particular to the fact that it develops in the superficial part of the skin, on the surface of the muscles. It is very difficult to eliminate purely and simply but we can reduce its appearance by adopting the right reflexes:

1/ Have regular physical activity, 2/ Make sure to hydrate well by drinking at least 1.5 liters of water per day, 3/ Favor a balanced diet, 4/ Limit your salt consumption, 5/ Perform massages draining.

Cellulite with water retention: which foods are best?

In terms of diet, the general ideal is to favor a balanced diet. More precisely, certain foods are real allies because they contain nutrients which will have benefits on water retention, these are:

of the citro-flavonoids – polyphenols from the flavonoid family contained in the peel of citrus fruits – which act on water retention and help fight against cellulite. It is found in the peels of oranges, grapefruit, lemons, etc. vitamin P which helps combat circulation disorders by promoting the proper functioning of blood vessels. It is found in red fruits (particularly blueberries and blackcurrants)… vitamins E, a lipophilic antioxidant present in the body. It is found in fresh almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts, in cod liver oil, in wheat and sprouted soya, in eggs, butter, avocados, olives and many others… of the vitamin K. Found in green vegetables, algae…

More generally, do not hesitate to eat all kinds of vegetables by diversifying them at each meal, but also many fruits, pineapple, rhubarb, kiwis and apples being favored. THE oily fish such as wild salmon or haddock are also recommended, as are seafood and poultry.

Foods to avoid if you have cellulite due to water retention

1 in 3 women suffer from water retention. What is less known is the negative impact of certain foods on this phenomenon and must be monitored. In question :

table salt and foods rich in salt which promote water retention and aqueous cellulite such as cold meats, chips, appetizer biscuits and, more generally, all ultra-processed foods and industrial dishes such as pizzas, soups, quiches and other prepared dishes… refined white sugars such as white bread, sandwich bread, pastries, rusks… milk, yogurts and white cheeses because they all contain casein which It is advisable not to swallow too large a quantity each day.

Additionally, caffeine and alcohol can impact blood circulation and water retention. It is recommended to reduce the consumption of coffee, tea, soda and alcohol to support skin health and reduce watery cellulite.

Cellulite with water retention: which sports to practice or avoid?

By promoting blood and lymphatic circulation, sport will help reduce water retention. When you want to reduce the dimples linked to cellulite with water retentioncertain sports are more suitable are those which induce moderate but long-lasting effort:

They contribute to muscle strengthening and help tone the thighs, arms, buttocks… all the areas where watery cellulite is observed. Step, cross-country skiing, brisk walking, cycling, aquagym, hiking, yoga, cycling…

They promote drainage, the elimination of toxins and boost blood circulation. Indicated: swimming, aquabike, aquagym, etc.

However, avoid: aerobics, horse riding, tennis, combat sports…

Afterur find out more: Overcoming cellulite by Dr Philippe Blanchemaison, Ed. Albin Michel

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