Change job to taxi driver, Ali? Pear? According to an active driver, the fact that “you can earn money and more than half of the month is private” | Merkmal

The average annual income of taxi drivers is “2.99 million yen”, which is considerably lower than other industries, but the author says that it is his own charging period and it is also a remanufacturing factory.

A profession that can revive your life

Taxi (Image: Photo AC)

Office workers were once promised lifetime employment and salary increases, but it’s a long time ago. Currently, more and more companies are introducing an early retirement program. Supporting employees who want to retire from the company early and respect their own way of life is a tatemae, and it is a good way to improve the metabolism of the company.

What about an office worker who suddenly quits a company he worked for for many years? Some people will use their skills to find a new job brilliantly, while others will start a business with a severance pay. However, not everyone is smooth sailing.

If middle-aged and older people get into inexperienced occupations, their income will naturally drop and there are many new things to remember. Even if you can change jobs in the same industry, you may be mentally involved by paying attention to your child-aged boss and wearing down your nerves.

Under such circumstances, there is a profession that can be revived. It’s a taxi driver.

Occupations that tend to be shunned by looking at their annual income

Taxi stand (Image: Photo AC)
Taxi stand (Image: Photo AC)

Can I change jobs to a taxi driver and maintain my life? When it comes to having children’s school fees and mortgage repayments, what is of concern is income.

According to the Reiwa 2nd Year Wage Structure Basic Statistical Survey, the average annual income of taxi drivers is

“2.99 million yen”

It has become.

Since the average annual income in Japan is 4.36 million yen, taxi drivers are considerably lower than other industries. Many people may think that it is impossible to change jobs with this. However, there is a karakuri in this.

Similarly, according to the Reiwa 2nd Year Wage Structure Basic Statistics Survey, the average age of taxi drivers is 59.5 years. Considering that the average age of all occupations is 46.7 years, it is much higher than other industries.

The low average annual income of taxi drivers is related to this high average age.Many taxi drivers are pensioners, and even if they want to earn, they cannot.

“Save sales”

There are people who do. The fact that there are many such people and those who already have independent children is also a factor in lowering the average annual income.

Therefore, the difference between those who earn and those who do not earn is large. A free working style with no quotas and no restrictions may be a harmful effect. You can earn as much as you do, and you can’t earn if you don’t. That number is just hidden behind the average annual income. You can make any money depending on yourself.

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