#ChaoNetflix: Users are expressing their annoyance about Netflix’s plan to charge extra to those who share their account

Annoyance, disbelief and a renewed interest in piracy are the feelings that abound in #ChaoNetflixa hashtag that was installed among Chile’s trending topics on Twitter before a recent announcement of the popular streaming platform.

How do you we count During last Wednesday, Chile will be one of the countries where Netflix will try a new formula to try to deal with users who share their platform accounts with people who do not live in the same house. Something that has never been allowed in that service but only with this plan would it begin to be effectively “sanctioned”.

After all, Netflix intends to test a method to charge Additional $2,380 Chilean pesos for each “extra member” Subscribers who share their streaming credentials with people outside of their household.

Thus, considering that this is the way in which many people access Netflix, either for convenience or to make the price of streaming more accessible, the claims did not take long to multiply on social networks and during this Thursday the hashtag # was installed on Twitter. ChaoNetflix where several people maintain that they will cancel their memberships.

In fact, apart from those who assure that they will no longer pay for Netflix, there are also people who are upset about the scope that this measure could have and how this would affect elements that they currently consider to be benefits of that platform.

All while there are also those who are remembering piracy. After all, Netflix began to grow in popularity as an alternative to pirated downloads that were so popular long ago, however, between these experiments, the rise in prices in some countries and the same emergence of other platforms such as HBO Max, Disney Plus and Amazon Prime Video, that convenience has begun to fade for many users.

As all this is a test, we will have to wait to see what conclusions Netflix draws and if it will finally be profitable or not for the company to implement this extra charge to its subscribers.

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