Chapter 45 Til Silver Do Us Part July 15

Benjamin (Alejandro Tommasi) tells her daughter Alejandra (carmen villalobos) that he may be making a mistake by going on a trip with Luciano (Gregorio Pernia).

See also: Until silver do us part | Chapter 44 | Rafael takes Alejandra by surprise

Meanwhile, RaphaelSebastian Martinez) remembers Alejandra and what happened in the office. The seller suffers from the departure of his boss and does not know what will happen to them. The next day, at breakfast, Rafael tells his mother that Alejandra preferred Luciano.

At the Maldonado’s house, Benjamín remembers that he found Luciano and Karen at the hacienda, but he doesn’t know if it really is a memory or a dream. Luciano gets scared by the memories of his mother-in-law and rushes Alejandra so they can leave the house quickly.

Milena (Stephanie Duque) tells Rafael that Vicky’s family (Juliette Pardeau) does not know that the marriage was cancelled. Dona Eleanor (Alina Lozano) asks his son to immediately clarify this topic.

Therefore, Rafael arrives at Don Gastón’s house (Fernando Arevalo) and informs them that he will not marry their daughter. The Pardo brothers hit him hard in the stomach so Vicky intervenes and says that he is a misunderstanding. Scared Rafael says that the marriage is still standing.

Outside the house, Vicky and Rafael argue about the lies about their marriage. La Pajarita asks him to think better of it and gives him three days to make a final decision about the wedding.

Milena looks for Jaime (José Daniel Cristancho) to beg him not to go to the retreat and propose that they be boyfriends. Then, Rafael’s sister asks him to get Papeto out of jail (Tuto Patino), so Jaime tells him that his feelings are false.

It may interest you: Until silver do us part | Chapter 42 | Alejandra moves away from Rafael

Alejandra teaches her salespeople some tricks to sell more cars and recommends that during her absence they take care in sales, because their position is at stake. Since, if they do not meet the goal, she must resign from Ramenautos.

Alejandra tells Rafael to cut the debt in half. Rafael tells her how much she is suffering from her trip and assures her that he will continue with her life.

Not to be missed: Until silver do us part | Chapter 41 | Vicky refuses to lose Rafael

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