ChatGPT: The Savior in Alex’s 3-Year Medical Journey – From 17 Specialists to Finally Finding a Diagnosis

2023-09-12 19:59:37

3 years of suffering, 17 specialists, but finally, ChatGPT found Alex’s diagnosis.

An atypical story, told by Courtney, the mother of little Alex. This young boy suffered from terrible headaches for 3 years. Consultations followed one another during this period, but no tangible results. However, Alex experienced some moments of calm after the treatments. But the symptoms always recurred, until ChatGPT intervened.

17 specialists for 3 years

It all started during the first confinement of 2020. Alex’s parents bought a bouncy castle. The goal was to entertain the children in the house.

A few days later, Alex was having violent seizures. Courtney, the young boy’s mother, gave him powerful sedatives to relieve the pain. The parents thought these symptoms were related to the children’s new toy.

Soon after, little Alex started chewing on things.. Courtney did not hesitate, direction: the dentist. This was the first phase of Alex’s long story, before ChatGPT intervened.

The dentist referred a respiratory specialist. The latter concludes that obstruction, secondary to poor development of the palate. A brief lull, with recurrence of symptoms.

Effectively, Courtney suspects a growth abnormality in her son. A pediatrician confirmed this diagnosis. The latter deduced a connection with the coronavirus.

Then there was a consultation with a physiotherapist, a neurologist, an otolaryngologist specialist, and even in the emergency room.

ChatGPT, the light at the end of the tunnel

Alex suffered from airway obstruction, sinus disease, migraine, growth abnormality, and insomnia. The young boy benefited from several MRIs during his consultations.

Courtney then collected all the information from the doctors and imaging tests. She compiled all this data on ChatGPT. This generative AI produced a precise diagnosis. Alex had the tethered cord syndrome.

This disease is very rare, with a low incidence in the population. Doctors had difficulty differentiating it from usual pathologies.

Like what, ChatGPT is an essential tool in several sectors. However, it still requires human intelligence to manipulate it. And this principle is above all regulated by an AI ethics manager.

Alex’s Tied Cord Syndrome, diagnosed by ChatGPT

L’American Association of Neurological Surgeons confirmed the diagnosis of ChatGPT. Neurosurgeons also gave some explanations about the disease in question. Tethered cord syndrome is a disease that affects the spinal cord. It is a congenital pathology, with symptoms that appear from childhood. However, there are cases diagnosed in adults.

Spinal cord tissues are attached. With each movement of the subject, there is a stretch in this area. The patient then suffers from various neurological disorders, like Alex’s case.

Treatment involves releasing the bonds surgically. Recurrences are rare after an intervention.

#ChatGPT #successfully #diagnosed #rare #disease

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