Chef Juna and Chef Renatta Continue their Culinary Adventure in Kisarasa Season 3 – 2024-05-12 06:44:47

Chef Juna and Chef Renatta cooking Popaco Snails & Wax Vegetables at the Kisarasa event that was broadcast on Youtube. (MI/HO)

AFTER traveling to explore various culinary specialties from Betawi, Sundanese, to Yogyakarta, Chef Juna and Chef Renatta continue their journey of culinary exploration in Kisarasa (Get to Know the Story Behind the Taste) season 3.

Consisting of 8 30 minute episodes, season 3 of this documentary series has been broadcast exclusively on YouTube Kisarasa with the first episode entitled Popaco Snails & Morotai’s Original Food Riches Wax Vegetables.

“I can’t believe it’s been three seasons since Kisarasa has been here to present various stories behind Indonesian culinary delights. Thank you for your extraordinary enthusiasm so that we have managed to get more than 40 million viewers on YouTube and TikTok,” said Kisarasa Director, Cianicolay from Jade Fifty Production.

“In season three, we will explore hidden culinary gems in three time zones in Indonesia that are rarely known and discovered. We hope that Indonesia can be more visible in the eyes of the world as a country that not only has biodiversity, but also truly diverse culinary delights,” he continued

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Meanwhile, Chef Juna, who is the executive producer and host of Kisarasa, said, “Kisarasa started from our love for the richness of local culinary delights and wanted to bring it to greater success in Indonesia itself to go international. Two of these local culinary delights are Siput Popaco & Sayur Candles from Morotai. Why Morotai? Why Eastern Indonesia? Because we want to explore the natural beauty, culture and types of culinary delights, which are of course very different from the culinary delights on the island of Java that we have visited before.”

The Popaco Snail or Telescope Snail, is a type of snail with a slightly tapered shape that can be found in brackish water habitats or mangrove forests.

Lilin Vegetable has a shape similar to sugar cane with a sweet taste in the flowers. These two foods are usually cooked with rica spices and then added with coconut milk, so they taste more delicious when enjoyed.

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In Kisarasa season three, Chef Juna and Chef Renatta also had the opportunity to visit the Integrated Marine Fisheries Center, which is the largest fish export supplier in Indonesia.

Indonesia is a maritime country that is the second largest country with the highest number of fish species, namely 4,782 species.

According to a report from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) [2]throughout 2023 the export volume of fresh/chilled fish caught nationally will reach 48.11 thousand tonnes with a value of US$106.71 million.

“We are happy to be able to see the abundance of fish in South Morotai, witness firsthand the activities of fishermen & take part in tuna fishing for our next culinary exploration, namely looking at the other side of Gohu Tuna or known as typical Maluku sashimi. Curious? Watch the story in the episode “The second Kisarasa will be broadcast today,” said Chef Renatta.

Apart from Morotai, there are many other interesting culinary destinations, starting from Ternate with its Papeda Yellow Sauce, Bali with its Bhinekka Djaya Coffee and Surabaya with its Nasi Campur Tambak Bay culinary which has been operating for more than 60 years. (RO/Z-1)

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