Chen Guanxi’s “Second Dad” passed away and the shady photos were dug up | Artist News | Hush!star news

There are rumors that Chen Guanxi’s indecent photos were leaked because Brother Long sent his computer for repairs and the photos were leaked. Picture/cut from…

Chen Guanxi’s driver and assistant “Long Ge” passed away yesterday (23rd). Rumors revealed that Long Ge failed in the rescue due to a failed operation. As soon as the news came out, the past interactions between Edison Chen and Brother Long were being dug up.

In the past, Edison Chen and Brother Long were like father and son, working together for many years. Edison Chen also said in an interview that “Brother Long is as important as a second father.” Unexpectedly, in 2008, Edison Chen reported that indecent photos were leaked. At that time, there was a saying that the indecent photos were leaked because Edison Chen sent his computer for repairs. The leaked photos were not deliberate actions of Edison Chen. It was rumored that it was Brother Long who helped Edison Chen’s computer to be repaired at that time, and Brother Long was fired afterwards. It is reported that Brother Long felt very guilty about this matter, while Edison Chen later moved to the United States to live, and the relationship between the two gradually drifted away.

Recently, the news of Long Ge’s death came out. Edison Chen suddenly shared a photo of the sky on the social platform, which mentioned: “REST IN PARADISE” is suspected to commemorate the past friendship between the two.

Edison Chen once came forward to restore the truth about the leaked photos at that time.Picture/screenshot from Tencent Entertainment

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