Children without Toast: Exploring Child Poverty in Belgium Today

2023-12-21 07:55:32

In his documentary Children without toast, Clément Leenhardt analyzes child poverty in Belgium today. Educators, teachers and parents depict the reality of precarious families and the assistance provided. An event not to be missed, this Thursday, December 21 at 10:20 p.m. in Doc Shot on the front page and in replay on Auvio.

What makes me angry is that people quickly put my children aside and judge my children.” Camille is the mother of two children. Their economic situation is precarious, and some days, it was complicated to “give their toast.” Camille feels that her boy’s anger and his difficulties at school are linked to this. The teacher told her that she had “still twenty students in his class, and had no time for the little one.” For him to be at school every day, she had to place him in a specialized establishment. Camille is far from being the only one in this situation. In 2023, in Belgium, one in four children still lives below the poverty line and goes to school without breakfast.

What does it mean to be poor for a child? Why do parents no longer bring their children to school when they no longer have enough money? How can you offer a good future to your children when you no longer have a home? It is these questions, and many others, that director Clément Leenhardt attempts to answer in his documentary Children without toast. “The Child”, the young narrator of the film, takes us by the hand and immerses us in the reality of vulnerable Belgian families. Behind the camera, educators, families and teachers take turns to depict the social and educational inequalities at play.

Children without toast, a documentary to discover this Thursday, December 21 at 10:20 p.m. in Doc Shot on the front page and in replay on Auvio.

#Camille #mother #precarious #situation #angry #children #judged..

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