Chile will attend the Summit of the Americas even if they exclude Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua

The president of Chile, Gabriel Boric, will attend the Summit of the Americas that will take place in Los Angeles, United States, from June 6 to 10, even if they exclude Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua. This was announced by the chancellor of that country, Antonia Urrejola.

The Foreign Minister clarified that her presence is not subject to the non-exclusion of these countries. This with difference to Mexico, Bolivia and some Caribbean nations.

“We are taking steps to make it as broad as possible, but we are working on the president’s agenda, both in the scope of the summit as well as in the bilateral agenda,” he said.

Although he stressed that “the one who invites is the owner of the house,” he explained that in bilateral conversations with the United States they conveyed that they hope this will be “as broad a summit as possible.” Well, “regardless of the differences and even the convictions that may exist in terms of human rights regarding some governments, we believe that in the post-pandemic and with the economic crisis, it is also a time to have a space for dialogue beyond the differences” .

In the opinion of the Chilean foreign minister, the Summit of the Americas loses force if Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua are excluded.

Chile will attend the Summit of the Americas even if they exclude Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua

“Recent years show that exclusion has not produced results in terms of human rights in Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba. So, you have to change the recipe. Which? I don’t know exactly. Clearly the exclusion, the cessation of dialogue, has not produced any results, ”she limited in an interview for the newspaper Third.

“At the end of the day, the possibilities for dialogue and influence are lost when there is no bridge,” emphasized Urrejola.

The Chilean foreign minister considered that they will attend the Summit of the Americas with the aim of dialoguing and building concrete agreements in the face of “the tremendous challenges” they must face as a country. “Especially at the regional and global level,” she stressed.

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