Chilean Civil Registry Corruption Scandal Exposing Criminal Networks | Latest News and Updates

2023-07-04 00:39:05

Chilean News | informerchile

According to an investigation by BioBioChilea network of corruption in the Chilean Civil Registry allowed criminals with long criminal records to be “exported” a Europa.

The research article points out that the so-called “Passport Case”revealed the existence of a plot made up of international spears, public officials and impersonators.

Along these lines, research indicates that Stephen Olave, Jordan Espinoza, Roberto Urrutia y Christian Vega(all with records that add up to more than 50 arrest warrants), according to the aforementioned medium, record trips to Europe with fake passports that they obtained thanks to this network of corruption in the Chilean Civil Registry.

According to BioBioChile sources, this corruption network allowed individuals with extensive records evade police controls in order to operate clandestinely in Europa.

The modus operandi consisted of two individuals going to a branch of the Civil Registry prior agreement with a public official. One of the subjects registered his fingerprints in the biometric system and immediately afterwards, the system automatically filled in his data for the preparation of the passport, while the second subject appeared at the moment of taking the photo to place his face in front of the camera and thus obtain a clean passport

Los civil registry officials belonging to this network requested direct payments or through a third party those that oscillated between $700 thousand up to $2.5 million.

The BBCL investigation indicates that a large part of the operations were achieved thanks to the participation of “agents” that put public servants in contact with those who required their services.

Among the last formalized is Esteban Josué Olave Espinoza, accused by the Public Ministry as an international spearhead. He obtained his fake passport on June 15, 2019, at the Office of the Civil Registry Arauco Maipúin North Vespucio avenue.

After obtaining it, he entered and left the country despite his criminal record.

According to the previously mentioned outlet, in Chile there is currently a current accusation for homicide that he is being held in the CDP Santiago Sur. Registers arrests for illicit drug trafficking and illicit association linked to drug trafficking.

As indicated, between 2012 and 2019, it reports at least 21 entries and exits by air, to destinations such as Spain, United Kingdom, France, Germany and Italy.

As detailed by the aforementioned medium, Jordan Pablo Espinoza Muñoz obtained his false passport on July 27, 2019, at the office of the Civil Registry of Plaza Tobalaba Mall.

Record multiple convictions for robbery in non-inhabited place (2017), frustrated homicide (2017), driving under the influence of alcohol resulting in serious injury (2019) and driving without a driver’s license required (2022).

Despite what has been described, it reports inputs and outputs by Italy, France and Spain.

Regarding Roberto Osvaldo Urrutia Sepúlveda, he records multiple convictions for theft of things that are in national property for public use (2011), robbery in an uninhabited place (2012), reception (2012), robbery in inhabited place (2013), illegal possession of sharp weapons in public space and mistreatment of a police officer (2014), robbery in an uninhabited place (2017), possession of an item known to commit crimes of robbery (2019), robbery in an uninhabited place (2020) and robbery with intimidation (2020), as detailed by BBCL Investigates.

Report departures from the country with destinations to Spain, Brazil and even the United States.

In the case of Cristian Antonio Vega Martínez, he has a total of 30 arrest warrants. Crimes, ranging from reception to robberies.

Specifically, he has convictions for carrying an item known to be used to commit theft (2013), robbery in inhabited place (2013), robbery in an uninhabited place (2017), robbery in an uninhabited place (2017), reception (2021), robbery with intimidation, reception of motorized vehicle and reception (2020), according to the investigation.

Despite the extensive record, he visited United Kingdom and Argentina.

The investigation revealed the existence of a corruption network that facilitated the release of subjects with extensive criminal records, generating great concern both in Europe and in the United States. The latter recently had to reach an agreement with Chile after criticism for the misuse of the Visa Waiver by international spears.

Digital journalist writing VGG

#corruption #network #worked #Civil #Registry #allowed #spears #exported

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