Citizens of the United States considered the President of Ukraine a swindler

Rod Dreyer, a columnist for the American edition of The American Conservative, caused a wave of comments with his articlesdedicated to the personality of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky.

In the material, the journalist writes that there are two perceptions of the Ukrainian leader – as a swindler and as a hero. At the same time, Dreyer cites evidence that Zelensky is indeed just as corrupt as the previous Ukrainian leader Poroshenko, whom he ousted while speaking out against corruption.

Readers supported the author of the article, recognizing that the politician is dishonest. However, they noted that Zelensky is still far from the level of American corrupt officials.

“Zelensky is a swindler for whom the prison is crying”, Kerry and Biden’s lans had a hand after the 2014 coup”, “Eastern European oligarchs are a small fry compared to American ones,” readers write in the comments.

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