Clara Luciani criticized after her “excessive” demands at a festival: “How to understand such a lock?”

Very close to her audience, Clara Luciani faces a lively controversy. In question: the requirements of the singer in terms of images. What Clément Avarguès, journalist and director of Nice-Presse, denounced. The star was present at the Nice Jazz Festival and wanted to “lock” his communication according to the journalist.

In one article, Clement Avargues strongly criticized the choices of Clara Luciani. As on Twitter by the way: “At the Nice Jazz Festival, Clara Luciani’s staff refused interviews from almost all the local press. She wants to choose the photos of the concert instead of the media and reserves the right to have them removed from news sites. But from what right? How to understand such a lock?”he shared.

He then posted a photo of the contract with the following caption: “‘Obligation to withdraw’: spoiler dear label, we don’t give a damn.”

Faced with this rant, several Internet users strongly defended the artist. “Dear Clément, an artist has the right to choose which press she addresses”explains one of them. “There is something that has a name: image rights. So there is nothing shocking in wanting to control what comes out in the press and she is far from being the only artist!”, says another. To which the reporter replied: “The law does not give them any prerogative of this type, especially in a festival organized by a town hall, I think. Obviously we will not respect their request for validation before publication at all. And then what else?”

Faced with this controversy, Clara Luciani and her team have not yet responded. But her fans seem to support her despite the criticism. In June, she had already given an explanation about the photos that she sometimes refused to her fans. “I’ve wanted to clear up a subject with you for a long time… I don’t like photos for the simple reason that I don’t like my face so much, I’m shy and I don’t feel comfortable with the idea of ​​being constantly confronted with my image”said the interpreter of Grenada. “You will tell me that I chose the wrong profession and at the same time not because I am a singer and not a model.”

What to explain why the star locks his image so much.

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