Coffee protects against these deadly diseases. Al-Marsad Newspaper

Al-Marsad newspaper: A new study published in the journal Nature Communications has identified specific proteins that caffeine interacts with in coffee, which help the liver remove bad cholesterol from the bloodstream, thus protecting against cardiovascular disease.

And researchers at Canadian “McMaster” University found that regular caffeine consumption is linked to lower levels of a protein called PCSK9 in the bloodstream.

Low levels of this protein enhance the liver’s ability to break down LDL cholesterol, the “bad” type that can clog arteries and lead to cardiovascular disease. Caffeine prevents the activation of another protein called SREBP2, which in turn also reduces PCSK9 levels in the blood.

“The results of the study revealed the basic mechanism by which caffeine and its derivatives can reduce the levels of PCSK9 in the blood, and thus reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease,” said the study’s senior author, Richard Austin.

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