College Principal’s Defense: Lindsay’s Suicide and Bullying Allegations Debunked

2023-06-22 10:04:59

“Lindsay’s mom never went to a summons to college in February,” said Thursday on CNEWS Frank Berton, the lawyer for the principal of the establishment where the 13-year-old girl was educated. commits suicide after being bullied.

The manager defends himself. The principal of the college of Lindsay, a teenager victim of school harassment who committed suicide on May 12, came out of silence through his lawyer.

Guest of the Hour of the Pros on CNEWS, Thursday, June 22, Me Frank Berton assured that his client had done what was necessary to protect the 13-year-old girl, contrary to what the parents indicated.

“The mother had been summoned to the college in February,” said the lawyer, assuring that “she had not gone to the summons of the director of the college, nor to that of the CPE”, and that “it is wrong to say that nothing has been done by the college”.

“A few days before the unfortunate death of Lindsay, an educational commission in which she was to participate had been organized”, added Frank Berton, regretting that his client had been “thrown to popular vengeance”, materialized by “death threats” .

“Death threats” against the director

It was these threats that convinced the head of the establishment to react a month later via his lawyer, because he was subject to an obligation of reserve.

“Since the tragedy, they haven’t received me, they haven’t called me, I haven’t had any mail, nothing at all,” Lindsay’s mother, Betty Gervois, said during a conference of press on June 1, claiming to have refused the presence of the director at the funeral.

Last Sunday, a white march was organized by Lindsay’s family in Vendin-le-Vieil (Pas-de-Calais), while a complaint was filed against the establishment, the rectorate, the police and Facebook.

Regarding Lindsay’s suicide, four minors were indicted for “school harassment leading to suicide”, and an adult for “death threats”.

#Suicide #Lindsay #mother #summons #college #February #lawyer #principal #establishment

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