college students from Creuse played at Bercy, during the concert of Ibrahim Maalouf

It is an exceptional experience experienced by the 17 students of the orchestra class of the Parsac college. Last Wednesday, they went to play at Bercy, during the 40th anniversary concert of Ibrahim Maalouf, famous trumpeter. They were 130 college students in all, coming from five different establishments, to play in front of 12,000 spectators.

“It’s incredible to play with stars like that”

And even if it’s been several days since they returned from Paris, these young Creusois still can’t believe it. “It’s amazing to play with stars like that, with musicians that you admire… to find yourself with them. It’s impressive”, says Noam, 14 years old. And even if they were not on stage, but in the aisles, next to the public, stage fright was present. “We had been warned that there would be a lot of people, but in fact, I did not visualize so many people in my head, laughs Clara, who is playing the trumpet. When I saw all the places there were, I said to myself, “No, tonight, am I going to play in front of everyone?” But all agree that the concert was a success, even though they started the music only three years ago.

Their music teacher, Claire Blin, is very proud of these students. “I find it magical. It’s already magic for us as adults, and so it’s magic for them. I think it’s great to have been able to make them discover that. These are experiences that are unforgettable.”

In July alongside Gautier Capuçon

But no rest for the brave. They are already rehearsing for their next big concert. In July, they will be on stage, in Meaux, alongside Gautier Capuçon, famous cellist. “We must ensure a half-hour concert on score, with varied pieces, explains Pascal Naturel, one of the music teachers at the Guéret conservatory, who has followed them since their beginnings. It’s really hard work. And in my opinion, it may be the project that will require the most work and investment.”

This great performance in July will be the last of this class. Then they will all go to high school. But the teachers from the Guéret conservatory who accompany them are already thinking about forming a new orchestra with these students next year, so that they can continue to play music together.

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