Colombia: A Venezuelan transsexual was stabbed to death due to a client dispute (+ photo)

The crime was recorded at approximately 2:30 am on Sunday, after an alleged fight over customers.

A transgender citizen, of Venezuelan nationality, identified by the pseudonym “Tiffany”, and her first name was Alejandro José Landino Bracho, was stabbed to death in the heart, in an incident that occurred in the La Granja neighborhood of Valledupar, Colombia .

The crime was recorded at approximately 2:30 am on Sunday, after an alleged fight over customers.

It was commented that the 22-year-old lady offered sexual services to private persons in the community and that generated annoyance in other women who live in the area. The compatriot had been living in that sector of Colombia for a short time, they informed the social media.

While the victim was in her work area, a dispute with other sex workers occurred, one of them attacked her with a knife and stabbed her in the heart.

After what happened, a taxi driver took the affected woman to the Santa Isabel Clinic, where they tried to revive her. However, the dagger caused irreparable injuries.

While she was being treated in the emergency room, the taxi driver went to the Cacique de Upar Hotel to look for the sentimental partner of the affected woman to inform her of the situation.

“The same taxi driver took the victim’s partner to the clinic and told him that the race was already paid for,” a source reported to the QuintoPoder portal.

“Upon arrival at the clinic, they informed him that this person had a chest wound and no vital signs,” reported the digital medium.

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