Colon Cancer vs. Hemorrhoids: Understanding the Differences and Symptoms

2023-11-11 14:16:24

Colon cancer and hemorrhoids can be confused due to certain similar symptoms. For example, rectal bleeding or bleeding in stool are some of the signs that raise certain doubts about the type of condition being experienced.

Differences between colon cancer and hemorrhoids

Colon cancer

According to the Mayo Clinic, colon cancer begins in the large intestine (colon) and the final part of the digestive tract. This usually affects older adults. However, it can occur at any age.

Initially, it begins with small, non-benign groups of cells called polyps that form in the colon. Over time these can develop and become carcinogenic.

(Read more: Colon cancer: these are the new four symptoms, keep them in mind).


The aforementioned entity maintains that many people with this disease do not experience symptoms in the early stages. However, you must pay attention to the following signs:

A noticeable change in your intestinal habits, such as diarrhea or constipation. Persistent abdominal discomfort. Cramps or pain. Weakness or fatigue. Rectal or stool bleeding. Weight loss without apparent cause.

(Of interest: Colon cancer: symptoms that differentiate it from stomach discomfort).


Colon cancer begins when healthy cells develop mutations in their DNA. The moment these changes or become damaged, they can become cancerous.

As the cells accumulate, they form a tumor, maintains the entity cited above.


Doctors recommend that people with any risk factors should undergo an examination to stop the disease in time.

Also, for prevention, opt for healthier lifestyles, such as consuming a wide variety of fruits, grains and vegetables. Exercising and maintaining a healthy weight are some of the routines that can make a difference in your health.

Risk factor’s

Some factors may be advanced age, family history, inflammatory bowel conditions, low-fiber, high-fat diets, a sedentary lifestyle, diabetes, obesity, smoking, alcohol, among others.


By knowing the symptoms of colon cancer, you can compare the differences between each condition.

According to the online information service provided by the United States National Library of Medicine, better known as ‘Medlineplus’, hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the anus or lower part of the rectum.

(Next: Colon cancer: what it is and what are the habits that help prevent its appearance).

Hemorrhoids can cause pain and discomfort on a daily basis.


The entity maintains that, on some occasions, they are not painful, but they can form a blood clot that generates a lot of pain.

Painless bright red blood coming from the rectum. Anal itching. Pain, especially when sitting. Pain during defecation. Hard and sensitive bumps.


One of the causes is the result of increased pressure in the anus. ‘Medlineplus’ assures that this can occur during pregnancy, childbirth and constipation, due to the pressure exerted in that area and causing the anal veins to swell.

hemorrhoids treatment

Over-the-counter corticosteroid creams help reduce pain and swelling. Hemorrhoid creams containing lidocaine. Stool softeners help reduce straining and constipation.

Remember, if you present symptoms on either occasion, consult or see a health center urgently for possible treatments and diagnoses.

Colon cancer: these are the new four symptoms

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