Colorectal Cancer Prevention Day at Gisors Hospital: Early Detection and Prevention Strategies

2024-04-06 19:53:52

Par Editorial L’Impartial
Published on Apr 6, 24 at 9:53 p.m. See my news Follow L’Impartial

Before Pink October, a month dedicated to the fight against breast cancer, another color was available the other Wednesday at the Gisors hospital.

A colorectal cancer prevention day was organized with the aim of alerting people to the right actions for early detection.

Several speakers specializing in the issue were present to answer questions and provide their experience on this pathology.

Among the personalities present, we will remember Virginie Jupin, representative of the “League against cancer”, Angèle Delaplace, departmental councilor of the Etrépagny-Gisors canton and Jessica Letellier, health executive working at the Gisors hospital. The “Agir pour Becquerel” association was also present at this prevention day.


An action that is all the more important given that according to statistics, one in thirty people in France, both men and women, are at risk of developing colon cancer during their lifetime. It is the second leading cause of cancer mortality.

Certain risk factors exist and can be treated individually, for example by limiting alcohol consumption or stopping smoking.

Among the advice given also included practicing regular physical activity, and following a balanced diet to combat overweight and obesity.

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Early detection

Health professionals recommend a screening test every two years between the ages of 50 and 74.

A letter is automatically sent to the people concerned.

In addition, at any age, if certain symptoms appear, people are invited to consult quickly.

This organized screening is the most reliable method for identifying benign lesions before they develop into cancer or for detecting cancer at an early stage.

It saves thousands of lives each year. However, only 34.6% of those concerned think about screening.

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