Comment to be seen naked; Actress Thilothama shares her anger

Actress Thilothama Shom replies to Instagram message that she wants to see nude photos. The actress responded with a screenshot of the obscene message. She said that such messages are very annoying and wrote a long note as to why.

Actress Raitasha Rathore shared a picture on Instagram yesterday. The message from the young man was that he wanted to see you naked as it were. Thilothama replied by remembering a rum gum from the movie Khissa.

” Why did this message and its likes hurt me so much? Is it because I, as a professional, present intimate scenes and nude scenes on the screen?

In Khissa there was a scene where he was standing naked in front of his father’s character. When I saw my chest on the screen, my first reaction was the shocking feeling that someone was watching me. When the movie was released I did not notice others looking at me. It was at that moment that I realized the power of nudity in protests and politics. What does a body speak, and what decency does the audience need to understand? Nudity is an instrument of protest, of social progress, of self-acceptance, of love.

I knew in that moment the power of the naked body in relation to protest and political activity. What is body communication? What does the audience need to understand? Nudity is a tool for recognizing and loving oneself from the grassroots to the leading protests of society. But the platform of feminist protest is simultaneously expanding and being challenged by a new generation of cyber-attacks. “

According to Thilothama, the post was made with the permission of actress Raitasha Rathore. Thilothama Show is a critically acclaimed actress who has starred in films like Sir, A Death in the Gunch and Monsoon Wedding. Thilothama’s new project is Deep 6.

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