Commercial revolution in CABA: Emerging neighborhoods that lead the emergence of new stores

2023-07-25 11:19:20

The commercial premises market in CABA is undergoing significant changes as a result of the pandemic. Currently, there are neighborhoods in the city that stand out as attractive points for brands. Decentralization has become the new goal for companies looking to open new stores and attract the attention of local residents in each neighborhood. Although the Microcentro, Recoleta and Palermo continue to be prominent points due to their large influx of tourists and residents, the demand has expanded to areas that were not previously considered.

Business premises in “new” neighborhoods are also located in areas that offer a variety of services and amenities. Among the emerging neighborhoods, Villa Luro stands out, in the sector located near Plaza los Andes and on Avenida Rivadavia, where cafeterias, travel agencies, restaurants, Premium butcher shops, churrerías and bars have already been installed. Another example is Villa Urquiza, where demand is high on Avenida Triunvirato and on Calle Mendoza, which has an important gastronomic pole.

In the western part of the Federal Capital, one of the most traditional neighborhoods stands out: Mataderos. In recent years, Avenida Emilio Castro has undergone a remarkable transformation, with the installation of large-brand breweries, banks, ice cream parlors, pizzerias, and bakeries, among other items. The expansion of demand is spreading to the surrounding streets. Another relevant neighborhood is Monte Castro, located in the area of ​​Avenida Jonte and Lope de Vega, where the development of a gastronomic center was promoted, among other items.

“Currently, certain neighborhoods of CABA are having a considerable rotation of premises, with a waiting list for those most sought-after spaces, especially those that cover between 150 and 350 square meters. We can say that today the scene of premises is in permanent evolution in the Federal Capital”, says Jorge Gayoso, broker of the Local Division of LJ Ramos.

In conclusion, the commercial premises market in CABA has evolved after the pandemic, presenting new opportunities in revitalized areas and with mixed urban developments.

Contact information:

Local Division of LJRamos


Telephone: 4114 – 1000

#Commercial #revolution #CABA #Emerging #neighborhoods #lead #emergence #stores

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