common genetic roots?


  • Depression appears to have a “causal role” in Alzheimer’s disease. This relationship is likely due, in part, to the 53 common brain transcripts and proteins identified in this study.
  • Severe depression is associated with faster memory decline.

“Depression has been associated with a higher risk of Alzheimer’s disease in several studies. However, the mechanisms underlying this association remain unclear.” This is what American scientists wrote in a study recently published in the journal Biological Psychiatry. They carried out this work in order to examine the genetic correlation between depressive disorder and neurodegenerative pathology. For research purposes, the authors analyzed genetic variations in patients with depression and people with Alzheimer’s disease. Their goal was “to associate genetic signals with specific DNA methylation sites, brain transcripts and proteins”.

7 brain proteins and 46 transcripts in common

According to the results, depression and Alzheimer’s disease have common genetic roots. The researchers also found that depression played a role in the development of Alzheimer’s disease, and that people with severe depression saw their memory deteriorate more quickly. They also identified 28 brain proteins and 75 transcripts (the messages that encode proteins) associated with depressive disorder. Of these, 46 transcripts and 7 proteins were associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

“This relationship raises the question of whether treating depression can reduce the risk of dementia. Here we have identified genes that may explain the relationship between depression and dementia, which merit further study. These genes could constitute important therapeutic targets both for depression and for reducing the risk of dementia”, said Thomas Wingo, co-author of the study in a statement.

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