Communal Days for your Health begin – Uno TV

These sessions are mainly aimed at women. Photo: Cuartoscuro/Archive

The Governor of the State of Mexico, Alfredo del Mazo, spearheaded the launch of Community Days for your Healtha program that is very important, “because being able to attend to health in a timely manner allows us to save lives,” said the Mexican president.

According to World Health Organization, the leading cause of death in the world is cancer, since one in six deaths is due to this disease. Every 30 seconds, around the world, a new case of cancer; If this can be detected and treated in a timely manner, there are many possibilities that it can be cured, that is where the importance of working on preventive health comes in.

The governor said that, in the last two and a half years, the number of preventive tests for cancer in the country has been reduced by between 30 and 35%, which is why today begins with mastograms. This program will be visiting, from Monday to Friday, the 125 municipalities of the State of Mexico and, as a priority, a mobile unit will be taken to carry out the free mammograms to all the women who want it.

It is important to be aware of these tests, since from the age of 15, approximately, it is necessary to perform a self-examination frequently to be able to detect any ailment in a timely manner, and from the age of 40 it is essential to have a mammography a year, at least.

These days are mainly aimed at women, but health modules will also be carried out that help the whole family, to continue with the basic vaccination tables; there will be orientation and health prevention talks, there will also be tests for older adults and diabetes, obesity and hypertension will be treated.

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