Conner Rousseau believes fiscal measures will not be enough in the face of the energy crisis: “The previous government’s index jump has impoverished people”

The president of Vooruit returns to the package of aid measures decided by Vivaldi.

On Monday evening, the federal government decided to apply a series of tax measures to help Belgians get through the energy crisis. As with electricity, the VAT on gas is lowered to 6%, those who heat with oil will receive a check for 200 euros, a full tank of diesel or petrol will cost 0.175 euros per liter cheaper and the social tariff extended is extended. Conner Rousseau welcomes it.

“We’ve been asking for this for a long time, comments the president of Vooruit. Energy is a commodity. Who dares to tell someone who turns on their heating that it is a luxury? Who dares to tell someone who uses their washing machine that it’s a luxury product? These are essential things, and which we cannot do without. In principle, Vooruit is in favor of lowering the VAT on energy to 6%. The measure will be reassessed in September, but I’m sure we can extend the measure: energy is and will remain a commodity and prices are not going to drop.”


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