Construction and Politics in Lebanon: Behind the Scenes Revelations

2023-06-08 03:09:07

Construction: subtleties and scenes


Arab and international bodies are monitoring leaked information about the positions issued by the Syrian President during his meeting with former President Michel Aoun, whether related to Syria’s view of the Lebanese presidential elections, the file of the displaced, Syrian-Saudi relations, and his assessment of the Arab summit and the future situation in Syria.


A parliamentary source said that Speaker Nabih Berri drops the effects of the offensive plan of the opposing team pre-emptively, so he set the date for the session while they were preparing for a campaign under the title that Berri manipulates powers and evades the call, and announced voting in the name of candidate Suleiman Franjieh before their campaign launched by targeting the vote with the white paper and it seems that he is in the bag What is hidden and revealed in due time.

Major General: Secrets

to whisper

A senior official in a neighboring capital was stunned as he listened to the introduction of a former Lebanese official’s speech about a stormy period that passed like hurricanes in his country!


A deputy senior marja’ played a role in reopening communication channels with a non-temporal marja’.

to cherish

Contrary to conclusions related to an Arab-regional event that resulted in positive attitudes towards Lebanon, no practical mechanism has been put in place to help end the presidential vacancy.

The call of the homeland: subtleties

It is known that a deputy’s distance from the media and her absence from the ongoing debates is due to her assignment from the head of her bloc to communicate with the opponents.

It turned out that most Progressive Party officials deal with the June 14 deadline on the basis that they will vote in favor of Jihad Azour, but they are awaiting the final data that will be presented at the “Democratic Gathering” meeting.

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#Newspaper #secrets #Thursday #June

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