Controversy Surrounding Mateo Carvajal’s Tattoo Experience with 4-Year-Old Son Divides Followers

2023-11-13 20:50:00

The athlete Mateo Carvajal has generated controversy by sharing a peculiar moment with his 4-year-old son, Salvador, unleashing criticism and divided comments among his followers.

Recently, Carvajal decided to get a new tattoo on his ear and part of his face, a choice that did not go unnoticed by his little son. Instead of hiding this experience, the athlete took Salvador to witness the process.

The situation took an unexpected turn when the boy expressed his interest in having his own ‘tattoos’.

Mateo supported his son

In response to the little boy’s curiosity, they made three drawings with marker on his little hand. Visibly moved, Salvador ran to see himself in the mirror, showing his happiness at the experience shared with his father.

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However, this situation was not well received by all of Carvajal’s followers. Many Internet users expressed their disapproval through critical comments on social networks. Some critics pointed out the concern of instilling tattoo culture at such an early age, suggesting that it could influence the child’s future decisions.

“If you start instilling that in your child from a young age, when he is around 15 he will be more tattooed than you,” said one of the comments. Others questioned Carvajal’s decision, considering it an “ugly example” and suggesting that the child should not be exposed to such situations.

Faced with the avalanche of criticism, Mateo Carvajal did not hesitate to respond, defending his decision and suggesting that everyone should take care of their own life.

#Mateo #Carvajal

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