Corona loses 90% of its ability to infect in minutes..and this is the solution

In the midst of all the confusion it creates, novel coronavirus Around the world, especially in recent weeks after the emergence of new mutagens, a British study revealed that the epidemic loses more than 90% of its ability to transmit, within 20 minutes of its spread in the air.

In detail, the study, conducted by a team at the University of Bristol, showed that Most injuries Speak within the first five minutes.

Watch out for getting close

He explained that the study, which used the simulation method, for the first time to clarify the method of the virus in infection, confirmed that infection occurs when the sick person is in close proximity to others, according to what was reported by the newspaper “The Telegraph”.

I also quoted Professor Jonathan Gibbs, who is responsible for the study, that people focus on the idea of ​​poor ventilation, or infection through viruses flying in a large space across the room, thinking that the most common way is to be near an infected person, as he put it.

She also indicated that the researchers used a new method to study the behavior of the virus and its volatile particles in the air, and revealed that the virus particles, after being emitted from the lungs of an infected person, lose moisture and dry up in humid atmospheres rich in carbon dioxide.

Here is the solution

While the report indicated that the air temperature did not constitute a significant factor affecting the infection rate, which contradicts what was known, that the ability of the virus to contagious decreases, with increasing temperatures.

More importantly, the details confirmed that wearing masks is the most effective method to avoid infection.

Mask in schools (iStock)

It is noteworthy that the masks have always been the link between the horses among experts, especially after the vaccination campaigns carried out by countries before the emergence of the new mutant, amid calls for the abolition of precautionary measures.

However, with the increase in infections due to the Omicron mutant of the rapidly spreading Corona virus, especially, even among vaccinated people, doctors began to urge people to adhere to masks again.

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