Coti from Big Brother spoke of the explosive crossover with Daniela in El Debate

Coti Romero cleared the goals in Twitterafter his strong transfer of invoices to Daniela Celis in The Big Brother Debate.

The discharge of Coti from Big Brother after the explosive cross with Daniela

Last week, Coti Romero crossed without filters to Daniela Celis in The Big Brother Debateby having her face to face for the first time after her elimination.

However, the young woman from Corrientes made it clear in her networks that the Chicanas and the invoice pass were part of the television show because she does not have profound differences with Daniela.

“I love this, the spicy, but the best with Dani and even with Abril, Romina’s niece. Today we took a photo and everything, I get out of the cameras and everything stays there for me,” Coti said in Twitterlowering the tone of the confrontation.


Constanza Romero did not miss the opportunity to cross Daniela Celis live and the billing of both was without filters.

Coti’s spontaneous nomination for Daniela and Julieta Poggio marked the end of their “friendship” in reality. In addition, it gave way to tremendous crosses and hostile opinions.

Now, both have seen each other for the first time in person and They took their toll on The Big Brother Debate.

Coti: -Since we are talking about talking (about ex-participants) inside the house, I heard somewhere that Dani said that I campaigned for her to go and it was not like that. Still, it would be valid because she campaigned on my behalf to enter the house. She even counted how many times she went to the bathroom…

Santiago del Moro: -Dani, anything to tell him?

Daniela: -Yes, of course. I did not campaign on behalf of absolutely nobody. My campaign was Venganiela. And, in fact, the name was given by the public, it never left my mouth. There are the clips. If you want, I’ll pass them on to you later, if you want to look at them.

Coti: I saw them, I saw them.

Gastón Trezeguet: -They hate each other.

Daniela: -People chose me to enter, to do what I did. Thanks, I love you.

Coti: -But why did you say that you were going to go for the CC. Coti and Cone. And for Thiago. You said ‘Coti is going to pay me’. I already saw the clips, I don’t need you to pass them on to me.

Daniela: -I don’t take anyone out anyway. Get the people out, love.

Coti: -Of course, and now you are outside too.

Daniela: -But I passed more than one plate.

Coti: -But you came out first than me. I got you out, Dani.

Daniela: -I was in a one-on-one with Agustín and I stayed. While you were outside campaigning (to get me out) I stayed.

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