Cotton diet, cabbage soup, small pots… They don’t work!

2023-06-25 10:12:16

You thought you had read everything, heard everything in terms of diet? You will be surprised!

The diet trend

Chrononutrition, fasting, paleo or vegan diet, DASH diet or Dukan diet, gluten-free or lactose-free… Today, there is a name for each diet! And between those who recommend fasting and those who forbid skipping a meal, it’s a little hard to see clearly! For what ? Quite simply because all these diets have nothing in common. Some food programs are dictated by medical constraints and others by intimate convictions. As for the others, we follow them (too) often to stick to the perfect physique that consumer society overwhelms us with… In short, it’s a real fad!

Other sources of misunderstandings? Today the slimming diets coexist with diets that do not always claim weight loss but rather focus on the impact of food on health. Since the beginning of the movement body positive and the awareness of the harmfulness of certain dietary restrictions – which may prove to be truly dangerous to health -, it is this last type of ‘diet’ which seems to be the most fashionable. Like the Mediterranean diet, considered today as the best diet in the world, or the flexitarian diet or the Okinawa diet, we focus more on the positive impact of food on health, well-being , the general form … And if the solution to lose pounds effectively, it was to enjoy eating and stop focusing on the balance while remaining reasonable?

A diet to take care of your mental health

Losing weight is an additional pressure, bludgeoned by society with great blows of advertisements, marketing arguments and other retouched images. The problem? Will losing weight make us happier? It all depends on whether appreciating a reflection (which one considers ‘aesthetic’) in the mirror can be a source of satisfaction, observing that one has not achieved one’s objectives on the scale and scrutinizing the smallest flaws that the one could improve in the mirror can actually turn out to be much more harmful to our mental health. More and more studies highlight the links between mood disorders and diet. Far from being ‘only’ a source of pleasure, food also has a real impact on our brain and would help to limit brain inflammation, promote cell growth, and better regulate mood1! Favoring a balanced diet and avoiding frustration would both nourish your body in a healthier way and be in a better mood… According to the American specialist Drew Ramsey, quoted by the New York Timesa bad nutrition would be one of the main factors contributing to the rising rate of depression in Western countries!

Lose weight: there is no miracle recipe

Losing weight, having a toned and healthy body, is a question of will but also of determination if you want lasting results. Cures that promise toget the body of your dreams in a few days / weeks are rarely satisfactory. The “secret” to find the line? Combine a balanced diet and regular physical activity : even if it’s difficult to get started, it’s the only program that ensures you get a toned body (and for a long time). If 30 minutes of walking a day can keep a body in shape, only a more assiduous practice of sport will allow you to sculpt the body of your dreams!

Want to lose weight? Forget those diets. Dangerous for health and/or totally ineffective, here are 10 food routines to banish.

1. “Food and mental health: food as a path to happiness?”, Marie-Jo Brennstuhl, Sophie Martignon, Syril Tarquinio.

#Cotton #diet #cabbage #soup #small #pots.. #dont #work

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