Councilor Carvajal against the purchase of Sierra Bella: “Another $3 billion cheaper clinic was rejected” | National

Councilor Rosario Carvajal accused that the purchase of the Sierra Bella clinic is an operation that benefits a private party at the expense of public resources. She indicated that the deal was closed with a real estate company created less than a year ago, and that by accepting said offer, the municipality of Santiago refused to acquire another property destined to be a clinic that cost 3 billion pesos less.

the councilwoman, Rosario Carvajalspoke on Tuesday afternoon with Radio Bío Bío about the controversial acquisition of the Sierra Bella clinic by the Municipality of Santiago, under the administration of Irací Hassler.

Among the objections to this purchase, is how curious it is, in his words, the speed with which the millionaire deal was closed with a real estate company created less than a year ago.

“It is about the San Valentino real estate company, created less than a year ago, which declared a heritage of one hundred million pesos, and has only one member; a 39 year old lawyer”he began to explain.

As he stated, said company bought the Sierra Bella clinic for just two billion pesos, registered it in December 2022 in real estate “and sold it the following month for 8 billion and a fraction to the Municipality of Santiago.”

“There is a need for infrastructure, improving the health service is not under discussion. The point of debate is in the amounts”he assured.

Regarding the above, the mayor reported that on May 18 the purchase of another property was approved to enable it as a clinic, the one that would have cost at least 3 billion less than Sierra Bella.

“At the end of the year this offer (from San Valentino real estate) appears and they pass it on to the council in the first days of January. There they throw away a purchase that would have meant about 3 billion less than Sierra Bella ”, he said.

He also indicated that, “it is curious that a newly created company generates such a successful operation. We are accusing that there is an operation that benefits this private sector with public resources“.

“They have not given us the deed”

Added to the above, Carvajal accused that for the vote they have not yet received the property deed. “They omit information, they have never shown the deed, we do not know the clauses or the details of how it was signed.”

“All these omissions make us suspect even more, we are at the limit of the lack of transparency, and from the legal direction they justify that the deed is not signed. It is very irresponsible to vote in a council without having the deed in sight”lament.

“What worries me is that here there is a recurring practice of this municipal administration”finished off.

Thus, the interviewee confessed that there has not been any dialogue lately in this regard, that the councils have been tense regarding this issue, and that “some councilors defended this proposal with great zeal. At the moment we are waiting for the Comptroller’s investigation, which yesterday already officiated at the Municipality of Santiago, and now this new complaint that we are going to make must be added, ”she closed.

Let us remember that Mayor Irací Hassler, in front of the Office of the Comptroller for the purchase of this property that is not equipped as a health center, assured that as a municipality they will respond.

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