Craters on Mars filled with ‘opals’ suggest there was water beneath the surface – BBC News

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Opal gems in rock cracks. Indicates that there was water recently beneath the surface of Mars.

Data from the Curiosity Rover show that cracks in the rock on Mars’ Gale Crater surface are filled with glowing opal gems. Until noticeable from the photo

The discovery was made at the bottom of an ancient lake that had dried up. This may be evidence indicating that There was water beneath the surface of Mars recently. And the chance to find traces of microbial life is increasing.

According to a study published in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets on Dec. 19, 2022, opal is formed when water interacts with silica-rich subsurface rock. Silica) by the Curiosity patrol robot found fluorescence of opals everywhere in the Gale crater. which is 154 kilometers wide

The neutron velocity sensor (DAN) is used on the Curiosity patrol robot. to double check whether the glowing mineral found is opal or not

As a result, neutron particles hit by space radiation bounced off in that area. It moves slower because of exposure to hydrogen, the main constituent of water. This indicates that the mineral found is opal, which has water as the main ingredient.

image source, MSSS/NASA/ JPL-CALTECH


An image of the surface of Mars showing fractures in rock formations where opal fluorescence is observed.

Dr. Travis Gabriel, lead researcher at the US Geological Survey (USGS), said: This is an indication that water has remained beneath the surface of the Gale basin for many years. after the ancient lake has dried up.”

Dr. Gabriel also pointed out that This groundwater period was during the Neolithic Mars, about 2.9 million years ago, meaning that microbial life would have survived and survived longer than previously thought. If in the past there was life on Mars.

This discovery is another piece of evidence that confirms that In the past, Mars had many reservoirs of water and they could be found everywhere. The research team also proposed that the area where opal gems were found It is the destination of a new Mars exploration mission. which will also have astronauts visiting for the first time

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