Creation of a “Children in Danger Pediatric Reception Unit” at Montpellier University Hospital

2023-11-28 13:47:41

Following the instruction of November 3, 2021 relating to the structuring of care pathways for child victims of violence, the Montpellier University Hospital worked, in close collaboration with the Montpellier Public Prosecutor’s Office, the Department of Hérault, the police services and gendarmerie as well as victims’ associations (France Victime 34, Enfance et Partage) in structuring the care process for these children, whether they are admitted directly to the hospital or are received on request of Justice. An agreement was officially signed on November 27 in the presence of all those involved in care, to organize this process, concretized by the creation of a “Pediatric Reception Unit for Children in Danger” (UAPED). A visit to the hearing room dedicated to child victims was offered.

« Maltreatment affects 10% of children and has serious consequences on their health in the short, medium or long term. The care of child victims therefore constitutes a real public health issue. It is also essential to prevent violence and train professionals to detect it.«

What is UAPED?

The UAPED of Montpellier University Hospital is established as part of the National Plan to combat violence against children. Its missions are 3 orders:
coordinate the overall care of children aged 0 to 18, victims or potential victims of all forms of violence, so that each of these minors can benefit, as soon as possible, from a complete course adapted to their needs (medical, psychological and child-psychiatric care; in conjunction with other professionals in the area to set up, if necessary, educational or social support, or even administrative or judicial protection);
on the judicial aspect, UAPED allows the carrying out of medico-legal examinations and expertise necessary for Justice. The investigators also have a room suitable for children to collect their words in safe conditions. Filmed hearings allow minor victims to not have to repeat the traumatic experience multiple times. A filmed hearing room, inaugurated today, has been installed within the University Hospital;
– l‘UAPED is also a local resource for all professionals in the area (liberal healthcare workers, teaching and early childhood staff, etc.): it helps with prevention, identification, diagnosis and action for the protection of minors in the event of violence proven or doubts about a dangerous situation.

Une convention pluri-partenariale
La convention signée structure le parcours de prise en charge globale des enfants victimes de violences et précise les contributions et financements de chaque signataire : ARS, Conseil Départemental de l’Hérault, Association France Victimes 34, Association Enfance & Partage, Ministère de la Justice et Forces de Sécurité intérieure (Police & Gendarmerie). La convention UAPED permet ainsi :
- d’associer les principales institutions et associations intervenant dans le parcours médical et judiciaire des enfants victimes de violences. Les rôles de chaque partenaire sont précisés et coordonnés, de manière à ce que l’enfant puisse être écouté, soigné et protégé dès la première rencontre, quel que soit l’interlocuteur initial ;
- de soutenir les familles concernées et de les accompagner dans les démarches administratives, voire judiciaires, parfois complexes ;
- de renforcer les moyens dédiés au CHU de Montpellier pour la prise en charge des enfants victimes de violences, grâce aux participations financières ou matérielles des partenaires.

Several services at Montpellier University Hospital were already involved in the care and/or legal recognition of children in danger. The actions of these services are now coordinated within UAPED. All forms of violence are affected: physical, sexual and psychological, as well as lack of care or negligence; whether this violence is occasional or long-lasting, intentional or not, committed within the family or outside. Particular attention is paid in particular to the detection of non-accidental trauma in infants. Thanks to its developed technical platform, the Montpellier University Hospital is the referral establishment in Eastern Occitanie in the event of suspected shaken baby syndrome.

Le Gouvernement s’engage pour une meilleure prise en charge des victimes de violences et un accompagnement renforcé des professionnels de santé les prenant en charge
Rappelons que la semaine du 20 novembre, à l’occasion notamment de la journée internationale des droits de l’enfant le 20 novembre et de la journée internationale pour l’élimination de la violence à l’égard des femmes le 25 novembre, marque un temps fort dans l’année pour réaffirmer l’action du Gouvernement pour protéger les plus vulnérables. Accompagner les victimes de violences est une responsabilité collective. Depuis plus de 6 ans, le Gouvernement est pleinement engagé pour porter des mesures fortes, tant sur la prévention, le repérage et le signalement des violences faites aux femmes et aux enfants que sur le déploiement de parcours de soins adaptés à la prise en charge du psycho traumatisme de ces victimes.
• En savoir plus sur

• Press release from the Montpellier University Hospital Center, November 27, 2023 “Creation of the UAPED – Children in Danger Pediatric Reception Unit”.

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