Crime News in Barranquilla: Cesar Lanchero Rosero Arrested for Theft and Possession of Drugs

2023-06-29 14:37:38

Cesar Lanchero Rosero was captured by the Metropolitan Police after stealing several toiletries from the warehouse macro chain, in race 51B with Circunvalar, in the Villa Santos neighborhood, in the north of Barranquilla.

The captured man, according to the police, records 11 judicial notes: eight for theft and three for possession of drugs.

Police said the man was made available to the URI of the Prosecutor’s Office for the twelfth time and the stolen items were returned to the warehouse.

Caught with a dose of cocaine in a park

On the other hand, Duván Llerena Catalan was captured when he was surprised by a police patrol Police with several doses of cocainewhich apparently sold in a park in the Ciudadela 20 de Julio neighborhood, in the south of Barranquilla.

The operation was carried out in the Ciudadela sector on July 20, moments in which our police observe the man captured today selling the drug. In total, there would be approximately 38 doses of cocaine hydrochloride which would be distributed in the different parks of the city.”the police specified.

#capture #man #stealing #Makro #judicial #notes

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