Crowd of Molotov cocktails outside a school – 2024-05-10 20:10:41

Peloponnese Newsroom

The police officers of the local department who conducted investigations in Myrina of Lemnos for the illegal possession and sale of sparklers in the run-up to Easter were surprised on M. Saturday, as they found a number of Molotov cocktails hidden outside a school complex in the city.

At this point, the unknown makers had stored a total of 45 improvised incendiary devices and a bottle of alcohol, which it is unknown how and for what purpose they would use. All the findings were confiscated and handed over to forensic laboratories where they are examined for fingerprints and genetic material.

At the same time, the police officers of the Myrina department are conducting a preliminary investigation to identify those who had hidden the incendiary devices and to find out the purpose of their construction.

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#Crowd #Molotov #cocktails #school

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