crusade for resignations –

Christian Campigli

There is an acrid smell in the city. The smell of the fear of losing Florence. The Democratic Party, short of ideas and proposals, with a weak candidate and a determined and brilliant opponent, had the brilliant idea of ​​re-proposing the pathetic version of the party dressed as a teacher with a red pen. And so the dems decided to collect 600 signatures to ask for the resignation of director Eike Schmidt from the Campania museum of Capodimonte. The initiative was taken following the art historian made official his intention to ask for leave, in order to be able to follow the electoral campaign which sees him at the helm of the centre-right coalition.

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“I remind those who are most distracted – said Gennaro Acampora, group leader of the Democratic Party in the Naples city council – that director Schmidt is not a university professor, but a citizen with a fixed-term contract, appointed by the centre-right government to fill a role of great prestige which, evidently, he considers less important than a personal electoral campaign. It is not a question of freedom, a principle for which the Democratic Party has always fought, but of opportunity and respect towards citizens and one of the green and most important museums in the country. This is also why our mobilization is only just beginning.”

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The conservatives’ response is ready. “The Democratic Party is at a loss. They are trying in every way to deny Eike Schmidt from enjoying the rights to stand as a candidate enshrined in the Constitution – recalled the Fratelli d’Italia deputy Michele Schiano di Visconti -. And as always the left preaches well and he scratches badly. The leave of absence from the office that the director of Capodimonte will benefit from is foreseen by law and is being used by the mayor of the Democratic Party of Naples, Gaetano Manfredi. As always, in order to protect its own interests, the left even manages to deny the merits of a world-famous museologist like Schmidt. The truth is that the left is afraid of losing. The centre-right, unlike them, knows how to valorise merit and thus catalyze high-level personalities”.

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#crusade #resignations #Tempo
2024-04-17 11:23:59

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