Debunking the Myth: Can Eating Fruit at Night Lead to Weight Gain?

2023-09-12 08:04:50

Finding yourself staring at the refrigerator at night is a bad omen. And while some are sure that an apple or banana is a completely harmless snack for bedtime, others have definitely read somewhere that it is also better to avoid fruit at night. We asked a nutrition expert when this myth began and whether there is any truth to it.

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Yevgeny Kirsanov

FPA nutritionist

Wellness Academy Personal Trainer

Champion of the Moscow region in bodybuilding

Prize-winner of Moscow in bodybuilding

Extra pounds from fruits – truth or myth?

Opponents of evening fruit snacks are sure that fruits lead to excess weight. Fructose, a monosaccharide that gives fruits its sweetness, is to blame. And the truth is that excessive consumption can actually cause obesity.

Unlike glucose, all transformations of which in the body are tightly controlled by enzymes, fructose is absorbed differently. By-products of its metabolism activate the synthesis of fatty acids and uric acid. This leads increases triglyceride levels in the blood and can cause fat storage, hypertension, insulin resistance and other health problems.

It sounds scary, but there is good news:

Firstly, studies confirming the harm of fructose were mostly carried out in laboratory conditions, in test tubes. Secondly, a dangerous threshold recognized consumption of more than 100 g of fructose per day. To get to it, you need to eat at least ten apples. And thirdly, fruits are far from the only and certainly not the most dangerous source of fructose.

Dangerous sources of fructose and fruit justification

Fructose enters the body not only from fruits. It is part of regular sugar and corn syrup, which is used to sweeten carbonated drinks, candies and other unhealthy foods, including processed foods and fast food.

Excessive consumption of fructose can lead to negative consequences. However, this statement mostly applies to the compound in its pure form or in the form of sweeteners, rather than fruit. Because in addition to monosaccharides, fruits also contain fiber and vitamins.

Fructose content in popular products (per 100 g)

Product Amount of fructose, g honey 40.9 jam 13.5–21.7 dried apricots 12.47 ketchup 8.72 grapes 8.13 pears 6.42 cola 6.1 apples 5.9 bananas 4.85 mango 4.68 hamburger 3.3

Five reasons to eat fruit at any time of the day

Healthy vitamins, minerals and antioxidants

Almost all fruits contain vitamins C, A, E, K, P and group B, microelements (potassium, manganese, magnesium, copper, iron), antioxidants (quercetin, carotenoids, anthocyanins, etc.). Regular consumption of fruits helps fight free radicals, which are considered the cause of aging of the body, supports the functioning of the cardiovascular, immune, digestive and excretory systems, and improves the condition of the skin and hair.


Dietary fiber improves intestinal motility and normalizes the composition of its microflora, slows down the absorption of carbohydrates, accelerates metabolism, reduces “bad” cholesterol and regulates blood sugar levels. They also help you feel full quickly, so fruits are a great snack.

Low calorie

Fruits are almost 90% water and low in calories. At the same time, due to simple sugars, including fructose, they are quite sweet and good as a healthy dessert.

Improving cellular immunity

Scientists provedthat regular consumption of fruit reduces the likelihood of developing inflammatory processes in the body by reducing the level of C-reactive protein and increasing the number of T-lymphocytes.

Protection against depression

Antioxidants, B vitamins, magnesium and potassium in fruits help normalize the functioning of the nervous system, reduce stress and anxiety. And some fruits, such as bananas, contain the amino acid tryptophan, which is involved in the synthesis of the joy hormone – serotonin.

In the evening, tryptophan promotes the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone. So eating a banana before bed is not only possible, but also necessary.

When is it harmful to eat fruit at night?

One banana before bed is good, but eating a lot of fruit at night can cause insomnia. During the digestion of fructose, glucose is formed. When its level in the blood increases, an invigorating effect may occur, which will prevent you from falling asleep normally. But nothing bad will happen from one or two apples or apricots.

Doctors also do not recommend eating certain fruits at night for people with gastrointestinal diseases. Acids in citrus fruits, pomegranates, sour apples, and grapes can irritate the inflamed gastric mucosa and cause exacerbations. However, in this case it is better to avoid them even during the daytime.

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