Decalogue for a healthy and happy pregnancy

Pregnancy and healthy lifestyle during pregnancy. Photo: Shutterstock

It is true that pregnancies largely depend on physical health, but other factors such as emotional and mental stability also play a role. Here we share 10 tips that you can put into practice to carry a pregnancy calmer and happier.

1. Exercise during pregnancy

Maintain a stable weight without overexerting yourself. You can put into practice activities such as swimming, yoga, walks, pilates, among others. The idea is that you receive professional advice to perform physical activity without this putting your health or that of the baby at risk.

2. Go to established medical visits

Frequently attend the gynecologist to perform the necessary check-ups and have the appropriate prenatal care when necessary. This gives us tranquility, peace and in some way allows us to have an approach to the baby through the ultrasounds and her heartbeat.

3. Follow the recommendations of the specialists to the letter

Try a healthy diet, drink water, consume enough folic acid, avoid a sedentary lifestyle and stay away from substances such as alcoholic beverages, tobacco and hallucinogens.

4. Wear comfortable clothes

As the size of the belly increases, the ideal is to be able to adapt the clothes to always be comfortable. Avoid tight clothing, especially pants, heels, and blouses, which can interfere with good circulation and normal body movement.

5. Properly protect your skin

Apply sunscreens, anti-stretch mark creams and moisturizers.

6. Rest properly

In addition to good exercise, a good rest is important. Sleep the regulated hours in general, practice activities such as breathing exercises and meditation that can contribute to better relaxation.

Often, fatigue begins to become more noticeable from the first trimester, extending until the end of the pregnancy.

7. Mental care is just as important as physical

Listen to music, read some books or magazines that put you in a good mood. You can opt for happy movies at home or in the cinema, go for walks or go out to dinner. Don’t stop pampering yourself at this important stage for you.

8. Laugh as much as possible

Psychological studies have shown that the more we pretend to be happy, even if we really aren’t, we trick the brain into changing our mood. Good humor will allow a better adaptation to the changes caused by the pregnancyand a better perspective to face the future.

9. Communicate with your baby

Talk to your belly, play music, sing to it, caress it. Studies have shown that early stimulation in the pregnancy they are beneficial for the child, and allow the fraternal bond between parents and children to be strengthened more effectively.

10. Attend childbirth preparation classes

It can be one of the moments that most uncertainty and fear can cause in mothers, hence the importance of being able to attend groups that allow access to a more grounded knowledge of childbirth, breastfeeding and the necessary hygiene for the first months of life of the baby. This allows you to generate self-confidence and security in the face of all the concerns that may arise. If attending, the presence of both mom and dad has been recommended.

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