Deimos’ Dawn – Anthem Of The Lost

(c) Deimos‘ Dawn

Three friends, who have known each other since early childhood, make sophisticated thrash together and get a lot of scene celebrities on board: Deimos’ Dawn is one of those bands where everything fits together. The mid-forties Andy Doé, Matze Lange and Mathias Schmidt have known each other for decades and bring this almost blind understanding to the music. As a front man they could win Marc Grewe, who is more at home in the death metal sector with Insidious Disease and (formerly) Morgoth. In addition, ex-Sodom guitarist Andy Brings was so enthusiastic about the sound and concept that he produced Grewe’s vocals and wrote most of the lyrics. The result, „Anthem Of The Lost“can be more than heard.

In these twelve chapters, it quickly becomes apparent that Grewe is actually a strong Thrash vocalist, although his voice naturally provides the occasional Death Thrash vibe. This is already evident in the opening “Feeding The Decline”, which literally explodes after a short intro and gives the hoarse vocals the perfect stage – fast, fast, wonderfully rough and with a bit of groove in between at the right moment. Immediately afterwards, “Walking Out On You” shows that Deimos’ Dawn think very little of scheme F. Disguised melody, several small caesuras and changing tempo with death steel undertones and Slayer charm – it can sometimes be so simple and so entertaining.

The courage to face the unpredictable makes this album really charming. “Deathstar Spangled Banner” not only has a strong title with a small Exodus cross-reference, the guttural rage and the at times infernal riffing make you happy. In the concluding “Terrorvision Quest” the quartet heads for overlength and has a lot of fun doing it. Uncomfortable pounding, sweaty groove and repeated molts show the songwriting qualities more clearly than ever. As a wonderful antithesis to long tracks like “Over Your Dead Body” and “Put Down That Weapon”, they really pick up the pace, but also take the fine blade with them.

Deimos’ Dawn serve advanced Thrash, which of course benefits from a fantastic voice, but also stands on its own two feet. Complex influences, deliberately complex digressions and really nice and nasty hussar rides come together and seem like a journey through all phases of the genre. “Anthem Of The Lost” has become a mighty plank of an album, where the sum of the individual parts comes together excellently. High addiction and mosh factor with claim – this debut will be remembered.

Rating: 8/10

Available from: 04/14/2023
Available via: MDD Records (AL!VE)


Slider-Pic (c) Deimos‘ Dawn

Tags: anthem of the lost, death thrash, deimos down, featured, full-image, review, thrash metal

Category: Magazin, Reviews

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