Dengue Fever: Case of Low Platelets and Household Outbreak | Dr. Manoon’s Warning

2023-12-04 02:10:09

Dengue fever, Dr. Manoon raised the case of low platelets. Two people in the house are sick at the same time.

December 4, 2023 at 9:10 a.m.

Doctor Manoon raised the case to warn about dengue fever. Two people in the house were sick at the same time with low platelets. There are spots of blood on the arms and legs. The dengue fever situation, which is still finding more patients in many provinces, today (4 Dec. 2023) Dr. Manoon Leechawangwong, a doctor in respiratory diseases – patients in serious condition. Provide health information through personal Facebook The patient was identified as a male, 41 years old, normally healthy. There were 2 people in the house sick with dengue fever at the same time. On November 23, 2023, the patient started having a fever. Muscle pain. On November 24, 2023, went for a blood test at a hospital near my home. Diagnosed with dengue fever Blood concentration Hct 42 %, low white blood cells 1,550, low platelets 104,000 (normal values ​​140,000 -400,000 units/cubic mm). The doctor advised him to rest at home. Later on 28 Nov. 2023, the patient still had a fever. Tired, eating little food little urine output Physical examination results The oxygen level at the fingertips was 97% and there were bleeding spots on the limbs. Blood was drawn Hct 46.3%, white blood cells were low at 2,880, platelets were down to 4,000, liver enzymes were up SGOT 137, SGPT 97, GGT 452. Lung X-ray showed fluid in the pleura. slightly to the right The patient bleeds easily Saw blood on the right arm where blood was drawn. The doctor concluded that The patient has dengue fever. The platelet count is very low, only 4,000. There is leakage of plasma out of the blood vessels. This caused the blood concentration to increase to 46.3% and caused pleural effusion. Feeling tired After giving saline, 1 unit of platelets and 2 units of plasma, the patient’s symptoms improved, his fever went down, he was able to eat, and he urinated more. less tired Blood Hct concentration dropped to 40.8%, platelets increased to 98,000, lung x-rays improved. After staying in the hospital for 4 days, doctors allowed him to go home.

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