Deschamps’ funny friend

2023-12-28 17:13:45

Popular, Didier Deschamps certainly is. And the person concerned has no shortage of friends, more or less famous and influential.

It is on his property in Cap-d’Ail – a Riviera town bordering the Monegasque Rock – that Didier Deschamps likes to recharge his batteries. There, the coach of the Blues rubs shoulders with beautiful people, and in particular a capital champion who reveals today in L’Equipe his privileged relationship with the conductor of the French team.

« Didier Deschamps, I met him quite a bit in Monaco, we had some nice discussions, he even attended some training sessions », breathes Novak Djokovic, world number one tennis player who has never hidden his interest in football. Even imitating the celebrations of football stars on the court. “ I ask my children how I should celebrate my victories, says the Serb. Maybe in Australia I will come with a new celebration because they will have been inspired by someone. »

Rinse too

A big fan of sport in general, Novak Djokovic also admits his complicity with another monument of French sport: Teddy Riner. “ He gave me the trophy at Bercy this year. We have been in contact since the Rio Games (in 2016, editor’s note). He was always supportive. I have always been impressed by his career. Her size. His weight ? No, we’re not talking about nutrition (laughs). He’s doing pretty well! It has to be built like that. I couldn’t perform well in his sport. »

#Deschamps #funny #friend

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