Desjardins and CRI agency present the Loge aux énigmes during the FEQ

In order to provide festival-goers with a unique experience, Gardens worked with CRI agency as part of its partnership with Quebec Summer Festival,

In an exclusive setting reminiscent of a VIP artist’s dressing room, the theme of Lodge with enigmas was developed to create an activation that mixes the concepts of escape and observation games.

For a chance to win VIP access to FEQ or other surprises, festival-goers were invited to enter the dressing room to observe as many clues as possible in 2 minutes, before answering a quiz.

A graphic identity has been specially developed to bring the concept to life, both on the booth and on social media. An engaging social media content strategy has also been deployed to invite festival-goers to come unravel the mysteries of Lodge with enigmasin addition to communicating the presence of Gardens au FEQ



Advertiser: Gardens
Agence : CRI agency
Creation: Mounir Fadlou, Baptiste Desmonts
Production : Claude Lemieux, Cecilia Boissy, Annie Rheaume
Strategy : Julien Brunet
Advice service : Emmanuelle Lortie, Claire Lys, Jean-Francois Garneau
Agents terrain : Staff
Partner : Challenge-Escape
Photos and videos: Frederic Lacasse
Quebec Summer Festival: Anne-Charlotte Collet

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