Despite expectations, Insaurralde did not come to vote in Lomas de Zamora

2023-10-22 22:10:04

In the midst of the scandal over his trip to Marbella with the model Sofia Clérici and the investigation initiated by the Federal Justice against his figure, Martín Insaurralde did not come to vote at his tablelocated at the Balmoral school in Banfield, in the district of Lomas de zamora.

The expectations in that Buenos Aires district exceeded by the presence or not of Axel Kicillof’s former chief of staffthe governor who is seeking re-election this Sunday in the elections in the province, held at the same time as the presidential elections.

The now former official has avoided giving public statements since his controversial stay abroad became known and would have maintained the same tone on this election dayaccording to what transpired.

The mayor of Lomas de Zamora had to vote at the table 593, whose authorities and voters were waiting early for his presence. It is worth remembering that the communal chief He was the first candidate for councilor for Unión por la Patria in that party, a nomination from which he had to resign along with his institutional position.

Currently, Insaurralde is being investigated for two complaints made against him that were received by the federal judge of Lomas de Zamora, Ernesto Kreplak. In that file, he was charged with money laundering and illicit enrichment.

His current partner is also under the crosshairs of Justice, Sofia Cléricithe model who shared the images together on board a yacht on the Spanish Mediterranean coast, and his ex-wife, Jessica Ciriowho in a series of interviews denied the accusations against him.

With information from Infobae

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