Details of the Former Minister’s Son Kidnapping Revealed: Shocking Investigation Report | Cairo 24

2024-05-11 02:13:11

Saturday 11/May/2024 – 05:11

The investigation revealed an incident kidnap A. H., the son of a former minister, revealed exciting details about the incident of his kidnapping by fraud and coercion, as it was revealed that there was a friendship between the victim and the first accused, thanks to which the accused knew that the victim was well off, so he formed a gang with the rest of the accused, consisting of 10 people, to kidnap him.

Exciting details about the kidnapping of a former minister’s son

Cairo 24 obtained the text of the investigation into the famous kidnapping that occurred in October, in case No. 11917 of 2023, registered under No. 2233 of 2023 on the date of October.

Mai said. S. The second accused in the incident of the kidnapping of the son of a former minister: On September 15, 2023, we were in Tanta at my father’s house, and there Mahomet knew that his mother was tired, and he told me he wanted I rented a car to go to Cairo to see his mother – and actually I went to a car rental showroom and rented the car from him in my name for 24 hours, we took a black Kia car and Mohamed. Wasn’t willing to let me drive. We brought a driver, Asma Hamada, and Mohamed agreed with him that he would take us to Cairo.

Mai added. The second accused in the incident of kidnapping the son of a former minister: When we arrived in Cairo, Hammad and Mohamed Jozi stayed at Nazla Al-Dairi – Bashtil’s house, and I took a taxi because I was going to Mohamed’s mother to buy books. , and Mohamed Jozy continued with the driver called Hamada, and when I arrived at Mohamed Jozy’s mother’s house, I met Mohamed. He calls me at 10:30 p.m. and tells me that the son of a former minister is threatening him. if he does not have a relationship with him, he will drive him out of the compound as a thief.

The second accused continued with the incident of the kidnapping of a former minister’s son: Muhammad said he was in the villa with a former minister’s son in the compound – and he said d ‘call Muhammad A., Ali J. and A., and I told them to come to the compound and send me the location, and Hamada, the driver, sent me the Kia she had rented in Arabic, and actually this happened, I was walking in the Safari Park, which is next to the Orabi. Bridge, and Hamada took us and we went there. We did not know how to reach the place where Mohamed Gozi was and we preferred to stay in a compound in Al-Mahilles until we found Mohamed Talai, driving the car belonging to Mohamed Gozi. the son of a former minister, and Mohamed Gozi, who walked in front, and we walked after him. And Muhammad Corner of Arabic, and this speech took place at 2:30 in the morning.

The second accused added to the incident of the kidnapping of the son of a former minister: Muhammad A, Ali J and Abdullah took him out of the Kia car and got into the car of the son of the former minister with Muhammad Jawzi. ‘former minister, and Abdullah got into a taxi and I didn’t know where they were going, and I took Hamada the driver and he dropped me off at Umm Muhammad Jawzi in Bashtil, I was sitting at Umm Muhammad’s house, and Around 4 a.m., Muhammad called and said, “Take a T-shirt and take me to Mohandessin hospital.” A little later, I found Hamada, the driver, who came and took me to Gami’at al-Dawul Street. » I went to Gami’at al-Dawul street, towards the SAP bank, I found Muhammad Jozi and the T-shirt. He had a lot of blood on his back. He gave me a visa for the CIB bank and told me to withdraw seven thousand dollars. . He gave me the password for the visa, and I actually withdrew the amount as he told me and paid him back. Then I took out another seven thousand dollars and got in the car with Hamada the driver, and he got in the Mercedes car and we. LEFT.

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