Detecting Colon Cancer Early: Signs and Symptoms to Watch for in Your Stool

2024-04-17 03:00:00

Colon cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in the world, and it can be fatal if it is not detected and treated in its early stages. Fortunately, there are many early warning signs of colon cancer, which can appear in the stool.

The Consulto reviews in the following report the signs of colon cancer that appear in the stool, according to Very Well Health.

Signs of colon cancer from stool
Stool usually changes and shows some signs of colon cancer, the most prominent of which are the following:

– Changes in the shape of the stool. The stool may become more solid, or lumps or stones may appear in it.

– The presence of blood in the stool. The blood can be bright red, dark, or black, and it may be mixed with the stool or appear on its surface.

– The infected person may suffer from constipation or diarrhea, or there may be an alternation between them.

– The feeling of not getting rid of all the stool, even after going to the bathroom.

– Feeling pain or discomfort in the abdomen.

Other symptoms of colon cancer
Other than stool changes, there are a number of other symptoms of colon cancer, such as:

-Unexplained weight loss without making any effort.

-Fatigue and exhaustion even after adequate rest.

-Anemia, which causes pale skin, fatigue and shortness of breath.

-Nausea and vomiting, especially after eating.

Risk factors for colon cancer
There are some factors that may increase the chances of developing colon cancer, which are as follows:

– Age: The chances of developing colon cancer increase with age.

– Family history: If you have family members with colon cancer or red polyps, you are more susceptible to infection.

– Genetic diseases: Some genetic diseases, such as Down syndrome and Lynch syndrome, increase the risk of colon cancer.

– Lifestyle: A diet rich in red meat and processed meat, low in fiber, smoking, and obesity are all factors that increase the risk of colon cancer.

Can colon cancer be prevented?
There is no specific method that guarantees the prevention of colon cancer, but there are some factors that increase the chances of colon cancer, which are as follows:

Follow a healthy diet, eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, while reducing your intake of red meat and processed meat.

Maintain a healthy weight and exercise regularly.

Smoking greatly increases the risk of colon cancer, so it is necessary to quit smoking.

Undergo regular colon cancer screening, starting at age 50.

What is the importance of early screening for colon cancer?
Early screening for colon cancer is crucial to detecting the disease early, which facilitates treatment and increases its success rates. There are many types of colon cancer tests that can be performed that may reveal the presence of colon cancer if it occurs, which are as follows:

– Stool occult blood test. This test looks for traces of blood in the stool, which may be a sign of colon cancer or red polyps.

Colonoscopy: This examination involves inserting a thin tube equipped with a camera into the rectum and colon to check for any abnormal growths.

– Virtual colon examination: This examination uses X-rays to create images of the colon.

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