“Detecting Early Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease: A Self-Examination Guide for Families”

2023-05-08 10:37:26

Found that the elders in the family are slow and prone to falls? This may not be a normal phenomenon of aging! Static tremor, joint stiffness, slow movement, and abnormal gait are the four most classic symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, but before this, you can actually observe small signs from daily observations, and early detection can be treated in time! The following will share with you the Parkinson’s disease self-examination form to help you detect the health problems of the elders in the family early.

How to detect the early symptoms of Parkinson’s disease? Watch out for the 10 warning signs!

Parkinson’s disease is a chronic brain degenerative disease that usually occurs between the ages of 50 and 60. It is caused by the death of a large number of dopamine-secreting neurons in the “substantia nigra” part of the midbrain, resulting in insufficient release of dopamine and progressive motor function. An unusual chronic disease.

The 10 warning signs of early Parkinson’s disease are as follows:

  • static trembling
  • joint stiffness
  • Slow to move
  • walk in small steps
  • balance difficulty
  • font size smaller
  • mask face
  • speak softly
  • sore joints
  • Difficulty brushing teeth and getting dressed
Photo source: Taiwan Association of Friends of Parkinson

The symptoms of Parkinson’s disease often appear in limbs and movement disorders. Most patients will have a hunchbacked posture, a stiff expression, and a dragging gait. One or both arms will shake involuntarily, and sometimes both legs or jaw Shaking also occurs; when walking, the arms do not swing naturally like ordinary people, but stiffen at the sides of the body, much like a robot. In addition, due to the persistent muscle tension in the central body, muscle pain or the inability to straighten the body make it difficult to move the fingers. However, not every patient has these symptoms at the same time, but some or all symptoms appear depending on the condition.

References:Physician Chen Jingrui from Family MedicineCorporate legal person Taiwan Friends of Parkinson Association

Please care about the days of treatment: (Zhan Yawen suffered from Parkinson’s disease, left brain atrophy and was sent to the emergency room, the cause and 4 symptoms should be seen at once)

Parkinson’s Self Test! 8 Questions to Master Your Health

Parkinson’s disease mainly affects the physical activity of patients. Most patients have normal thinking and intelligence, but some patients may develop symptoms of senile dementia in the later stage. However, common symptoms include slowness, stiffness, tremors, and imbalance, which can be measured using the Parkinson’s Disease Self-Assessment Scale. If there are more than one, it is recommended to go to a neurology department or a family doctor for examination.

Parkinson’s Self-Examination Form
  • Are you moving slower and slower in your daily life?
  • Is your handwriting getting smaller?
  • Is your speech slurred or weak?
  • Do you have trouble getting up from a chair?
  • Do your lips, hands, arms and/or feet twitch?
  • Are you experiencing more stiffness?
  • Do you have trouble buttoning or getting your clothes on?
  • When walking, do you shuffle and/or take shorter strides?

If symptoms of Parkinson’s disease are suspected, they should be diagnosed and treated early. Parkinson’s disease is currently available with a variety of drugs. Although it cannot be cured, it can improve symptoms. If it is supplemented with rehabilitation training and auxiliary methods, it can maintain the patient’s daily life and mobility!

References:Physician Chen Jingrui from Family Medicine

I hope you know: (weak hand shaking may also be sarcopenia! Teach you three ways to detect + “finger measurement method”)

Regular 2-step easy detection of early symptoms of Parkinson’s disease!

According to the Taiwan Association for Movement Disorders, if you want to help elders over 50 years old in the family to detect whether they have early symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, you can perform regular self-tests every month through the simple steps in the following video!

Step 1. Straighten your right hand, lightly touch your index finger and thumb 25 times.

Step 2. Straighten your left hand, and lightly touch your index finger and thumb 25 times.

If the following symptoms occur, it is recommended to see a neurology clinic:

  • speed change
  • Slow down
  • stop, can’t open
  • Open and close size change

References:Movement Disorder Society of Taiwan

Guess you want to cure: (Parkinson’s disease life will be shorter than the average person? Seek medical treatment as soon as possible if “this” sign appears)

Reminders for treatment days: Can Parkinson’s be prevented?

The cause of Parkinson’s is unknown, and there’s no clear way to prevent it, according to the Mayo Clinic, although some studies have shown that regular aerobic exercise can reduce Parkinson’s risk.

Additionally, some studies have shown that people who consume caffeine (commonly found in coffee, tea, and cola) are less likely to develop Parkinson’s disease than those who do not consume caffeine. Green tea may also reduce the risk of Parkinson’s disease. But it’s unclear whether caffeine protects against Parkinson’s, or is somehow linked to it. There is currently insufficient evidence to show that consuming caffeinated beverages can prevent Parkinson’s disease.

References:Mayo Clinic

Take a good day to heal your healthy life

Image source: 123RF

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