Detecting Psychopathic Women: How Artificial Intelligence is Revolutionizing Behavioral Analysis

2024-05-13 08:32:56

Artificial intelligence has deduced which signs usually characterize the behavior of psychopathic women, even before it turns out to be a clinical case.

Do you want to know the difference between a woman with a not-so-positive personality and a real psychopathic woman?

New research has found that there is a signal that can be used to differentiate between negative ladies based on real psychological cases. According to research, it is a one sign is if they move their head while speaking.

Nonverbal behavior, that is to say the dynamics of the head in this case, is an important but still little studied branch of communication. However, a better understanding of this behavior could improve our ability to detect certain forms of psychopathology, including psychopathy.

said the study authors from the University of New Mexico.

Using an automated detection algorithm, the research team found that women who keep their heads perfectly still during a conversation, that is, who make few movements, are more likely to have psychopathic tendencies.

Here, we applied an automated technique to detect and analyze head position and dynamics in relation to psychopathic traits using a group of incarcerated women as a sample.

» said the scientists.

More than two hundred women participated in the AI ​​experiment

For their results, the analysts measured the nonverbal signals of 213 inmates. Participants ranged in age from 21 to 57 years old and were incarcerated in medium- and high-security correctional facilities in the United States.

A searcher “psychopathic traits” are interpersonal dysfunctions defined as a combination of For example:

  • A handling,
  • pathological lying
  • insensitivity
  • lack of remorse,
  • impulsivity,
  • irresponsibility and
  • criminal versatility.

Investigators analyzed the videotaped interviews and observed each woman’s head movements during the study. Head position was extracted frame by frame from the video material. Then, the average head position (AHP) was calculated based on the spatial information of all extracted images. Head movements were then categorized into three movement parts identified for each recording: minimal, moderate, and extreme movements.

The result was based on this: the less the head moved, the more psychopathic the woman was.

A psychological examination was ordered for the video material

The study also included a test giving a general assessment of the subjects’ psychological state, based on methodology developed by Canadian psychologist Robert D. Hare in the 1970s.

The 20-item checklist measured participants’ antisocial tendencies from 1 to 40: the lower the score, the more neurotypical the person was. People with a score of 30 or higher are classified as psychopaths according to the test.

Psychopathic men didn’t succeed either

Psychopathic men can’t escape scientists either. The above findings are consistent with previous studies of incarcerated men. Men who do not move their heads while speaking are also often psychotic.

Surprisingly, though, for women the correlation is stronger than most people might think.

Clive Boddy, a professor at Anglia Ruskin University specializing in corporate psychopathy, recently he statedthat psychopathic women are simply not noticed by society due to gender bias.

Julie Aitken Schermer, professor of psychology at Western University, London directly states thatthat the men are often just more openly crazy. In a recent report, he suggested that men who show an inexplicable affinity for their obnoxious, noisy cars are much more likely to be labeled psychopaths.

#signs #identify #psychopathic #woman

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