Detecting Strokes: How Smart Shopping Carts Can Save Lives

2023-08-22 13:31:47

Pushing a cart could soon help you medically speaking. Equipped with sensors in the handles, they could identify people at risk of stroke. Concretely, these carts 2.0 would act as an electrocardiogram and would then make it possible to detect atrial fibrillation, an irregular and often very rapid heart rate, the main cause of stroke.

As explained by the scientists behind this project, the sensors installed have the ability to detect faulty heartbeats by tracking electrical signals from the heart as they pass through the hands. And if the sensors detect worrying signs, a red cross then begins to flash on the handle of the trolley. Conversely, a green cross will indicate the presence of no abnormal signs.

VIDEO – Dr Christian Recchia: “When someone has a stroke in front of you, you only have a few minutes to save them. Here’s what to do”

Successfully tested prototypes

Note that prototypes have been successfully tested. In a trial conducted by Liverpool John Moores University, 2,155 adults used ten such trolleys in four supermarkets. Participants had to hold the handle for at least 60 seconds continuously while shopping. And results presented at the recent European Society of Cardiology conference in Edinburgh, revealed that 220 shoppers were potentially at risk of atrial fibrillation. Cardiologists then looked at the results of these 220 people and finally came to another, slightly more precise conclusion. Of the participants, 59 were genuinely at significant risk and needed to be closely monitored.

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As a reminder, atrial fibrillation increases the risk of stroke fivefold because blood builds up inside the heart, usually causing a clot to form which then travels to the brain. In total, one in five strokes is linked to this phenomenon. “Checking for atrial fibrillation while people do their usual errands shows promise for preventing strokes and saving lives”said the scientists whose remarks were relayed by the Daily mail.

However, the researchers admitted that more work was needed to improve the accuracy of the ECG sensors, as only a quarter to half of those who received a red light on the handle of their carts actually suffered from this disease.

VIDEO – 8 out of 10 strokes could be prevented: here’s how

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