Detective Pikachu – New information about the sequel to the adventure game

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Information unearthed by VGC on the Creatures Inc. recruitment site reveals that the sequel to Detective Pikachu is in development. Programming is currently focused on the drawing area and the creation of a system in the Environmental Development Office. This should serve as a basis for future video game productions.

Back to Ryme City?

First of all, this is news that should relieve and delight fans of Pokémon. It must be said that information on the sequel to the first opus is rare. Indeed, remember that Detective Pikachu, released in 2018 on 3DS, was the subject of a film adaptation the following year. The continuation of the adventures of Pokemon the most famous of the license was then announced in stride. Until then, no news had reached us. However, this new announcement seems to make it clear that development of the game is still ongoing.

At the same time, another announcement should make trainers smile. We learn that the company that developed the models of Pokemon of the mainline series is now looking to incorporate cutting-edge graphics technology into its future titles. The VGC article reveals this:

With new technologies appearing every day, ray tracing, which calculates the color and brightness of objects by tracking light rays, and super-resolution technologies such as DLSS will become indispensable. We also pay attention to the technologies introduced in the latest game engines such as Unreal Engine 5.

Pikachu in the cinema

Initially, doubts had been expressed about the scenario of the Detective Pikachu 2. Would the game continue the story of the first game or would it be more movie oriented? It was finally the actor Justice Smith who stifled the rumors. He has in fact declared that even if he would like to be involved in a Detective Pikachu 2, he doesn’t think that will happen. Here is what he says:

I would love to participate in Detective Pikachu 2. I don’t know if that will happen. We have to somehow bury our hopes. I don’t think that’s going to happen. I really hope so. Honestly, I’m such a fan, who knows, who knows? I hope so.

It’s time to leave you with the movie trailer:

Are you excited to find Pikachu for a new investigation? Tell us in the comments or on our networks: Facebook and Twitter.

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