Development in home attire retail gross sales within the first quarter of 2024 – 2024-05-25 20:59:21

In line with accessible knowledge, the Greek clothes and textile market offered a combined image within the first quarter of 2024.

Particularly, in keeping with knowledge from the Affiliation of Textile and Prepared-Made Clothes Companies (SEPEE), retail gross sales within the home clothes market elevated by 3.6% and reached 682 million euros within the first quarter of 2024.

Quite the opposite, the course of exports was detrimental, with a big lower, by 21.4%, as a result of lower in consumption in the principle European markets.

The overall worth of exports of the clothing-textile chain within the first quarter of 2024 amounted to 463 million euros, in comparison with 588 million in 2023. Clothes exports decreased by 15.9%, textiles by 21.9% and cotton by 28% .

In line with the newsit, the lower in exports negatively affected the whole turnover, which in clothes recorded a drop of seven.4% and within the textile business 9.5%. Imports additionally recorded a lower of 8.7%.

For the complete clothing-textile business chain, they reached a price of 800 million euros in 2024 in opposition to 877 million euros within the first quarter of 2023. The lower in textile imports was better and amounted to 12%, whereas that of clothes amounted to 7, 2%.

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