Diabetes and periodontal disease have a vicious cycle. Choose nutritious foods to control blood sugar levels to maintain oral health – Ming Pao Health Network

Many people may think that oral diseases are only related to poor oral hygiene.blood sugarPoor level control may lead to inflammation of the periodontal tissue, formingperiodontal disease. Therefore, in addition to paying attention to oral hygiene, it is also very important for diabetics to control blood sugar. It is recommended to start from the diet, eat more foods with low glycemic index, and consume enough vitamins and minerals to help stabilize blood sugar and maintain blood sugar. Oral health.

The vicious circle of diabetes and periodontal disease blood sugar levels must be controlled

Luo Mingjun, a registered dietitian at the Sanatorium and Hospital, cited a study that pointed out that the risk of developing periodontal disease in diabetics is 2-3 times higher than that in non-diabetic patients. , Can inhibit insulin and immune function, lead to the growth of bacteria in the mouth, aggravate the inflammation of the gums, and even induce periodontal disease. In addition, once suffering from periodontal disease, it will make diabetes more difficult to control. This is due to the accumulation of dental plaque on the surface of the teeth or on the gingival sulcus, which will stimulate inflammation of the gums, increase insulin resistance, and make blood sugar control more difficult to stabilize. Vicious circle.

Diabetes and periodontal disease have a vicious cycle. Choose nutritious foods to control blood sugar levels to maintain oral health.
According to some studies, the risk of periodontal disease in diabetics is 2-3 times higher than that of non-diabetic patients! Therefore, to maintain oral health, in addition to adequate oral hygiene, it is equally important to control blood sugar levels.

Postprandial blood sugar rise of low-glycemic index foods is relatively stable

To maintain oral health, in addition to adequate oral hygiene, it is equally important to control blood sugar levels, including starting from diet, paying attention to the glycemic index (Glycemic Index) of food, that is, after eating carbohydrate foods rate of ascent. Luo Mingjun said that eating an appropriate amount of low-glycemic index foods will lead to a relatively stable increase in blood sugar after meals, which will help control blood sugar more effectively.

He reminded to pay attention to the handling and processing of food, which will affect the glycemic index of food, such as refined carbohydrates after removing the bran and germ of grains (eg white rice, white bread), the higher the glycemic index, the easier Absorption by the body causes blood sugar to rise. Therefore, you should choose to eat more whole-grain carbohydrates, such as red rice, brown rice, etc. The dietary fiber contained in it can delay the absorption of carbohydrates by the body, and chewing high-fiber foods can help remove the surface dirt on the teeth , help reduce the risk of periodontal disease.

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